// @page Pattern Library/Forms // @name Toggle // // @description // Toggle buttons provide an alternative way of displaying radio groups with a small number of options to a user. // IE8 support is included with `radioToggle.js` which sets a `.checked` class on the radio button when clicked. // // #### Best practices // * Use as an alternative to radio groups that have short labels for each option (Yes/No, Opt-in/Opt-out). // * For forms that have many short radio group questions in them, toggle buttons provide a better experience for quickly selecting answers on both desktop and mobile due to larger visible click areas for each option. // * Limit the number of options in the toggle group to 3. // // @state .us-toggle__btn--disabled - Visual styling for toggle buttons that can't be interacted with. // // @javascript // var radioToggle = new RadioToggle({ // $target: $(".us-toggle") // }) // // @markup //
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$toggle-btn-padding: 10px 26px !default; $toggle-active-bg: $c-white !default; @mixin toggle-active-style { background: $toggle-active-bg; border-color: $c-form-element-border-active; text-shadow: 1px 0 0 $c-form-element-text; color: $c-uswitch-navy; } @mixin toggle-disabled-style { color: $c-form-element-disabled-fg; background-color: $c-form-element-disabled-bg; border-color: $c-form-element-disabled-fg; } .us-toggle { @extend %clearfix; display: block; @include respond-to($default-grid-breakpoint, true) { display: inline-block; } } .us-toggle__label { position: relative; float: left; width: 50%; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; @include respond-to($default-grid-breakpoint, true) { width: auto; } // Don't hide inputs due to tabbing .us-form-input { position: absolute; left: -999em; } } .us-toggle__btn { display: block; padding: $toggle-btn-padding; color: $c-grey; text-align: center; background-color: $c-form-element-background; border: 1px solid $c-form-element-border; .us-toggle__label:hover & { border-color: $c-form-element-border-hover; } .us-toggle__label:focus &, .us-toggle__label .us-form-input:focus + & { color: $c-uswitch-navy; border-color: $c-form-element-border-active; box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $c-form-element-border-active; } // [nodoc] Legacy, as grouping selectors will fail on pseudo-selector :checked .us-toggle__label .us-form-input.checked + & { @include toggle-active-style; } .us-toggle__label .us-form-input:checked + & { @include toggle-active-style; } } .us-toggle__btn--disabled { @include form-element-disabled; }