#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rbbt-util' require 'rbbt/util/simpleopt' #$0 = "rbbt #{$previous_commands*""} #{ File.basename(__FILE__) }" if $previous_commands options = SOPT.setup <<EOF Queue a job in Marenostrum $ rbbt mnl [options] -h--help Print this help -d--done Done jobs only -e--error Error jobs only -a--aborted SLURM aboted jobs -r--running Running jobs only -q--queued Queued jobs only -j--job* Job ids -s--search* Regular expression -t--tail* Show the last lines of the STDERR -SBP--sbatch_parameters show sbatch parameters -PERF--procpath_performance show Procpath performance summary -sacct--sacct_peformance show sacct performance summary EOF if options[:help] if defined? rbbt_usage rbbt_usage else puts SOPT.doc end exit 0 end Log.severity = 4 done, error, running, queued, aborted, jobid, search, tail = options.values_at :done, :error, :running, :queued, :aborted, :job, :search, :tail workdir = File.expand_path('~/rbbt-slurm') Path.setup(workdir) running_jobs = begin squeue_txt = CMD.cmd('squeue').read squeue_txt.split("\n").collect{|l| l.to_i.to_s} rescue Log.warn "Cannot determine if jobs are running, they will seem to be all alive (Job ID in green)" squeue_txt = nil $norunningjobs = true [] end if squeue_txt job_nodes = {} squeue_txt.split("\n").each do |line| parts = line.strip.split(/\s+/) job_nodes[parts.first] = parts.last.split(",") end else job_nodes = nil end count = 0 workdir.glob("**/command.slurm").sort_by{|f| File.mtime(f)}.each do |fcmd| dir = File.dirname(fcmd) if m = Open.read(fcmd).match(/#CMD: (.*)/) cmd = m[1] else cmd = nil end if m = Open.read(fcmd).match(/# Run command\n(.*?)\n/im) exe = m[1] else exe = nil end if m = Open.read(fcmd).match(/^CONTAINER_DIR=(.*)/) container_home = m[1] else container_home = nil end if File.exists?(fid = File.join(dir, 'job.id')) id = Open.read(fid).chomp else id = nil end if File.exists?(fstatus = File.join(dir, 'exit.status')) exit_status = Open.read(fstatus).to_i else exit_status = nil end if File.exists?(fstatus = File.join(dir, 'job.status')) nodes = Open.read(fstatus).split("\n").last.split(/\s+/).last.split(",") elsif job_nodes[id] nodes = job_nodes[id] else nodes = [] end if File.exists?(File.join(dir, 'std.out')) outt = File.mtime File.join(dir, 'std.out') errt = File.mtime File.join(dir, 'std.err') time_diff = Time.now - [outt, errt].max end fdep = File.join(dir, 'dependencies.list') deps = Open.read(fdep).split("\n") if File.exists?(fdep) fcadep = File.join(dir, 'canfail_dependencies.list') cadeps = Open.read(fcadep).split("\n") if File.exists?(fcadep) if done || error || aborted || running || queued || jobid || search select = false select = true if done && exit_status == 0 select = true if error && exit_status && exit_status != 0 select = true if aborted && (exit_status.nil? && ! running_jobs.include?(id)) select = true if queued && deps && (running_jobs & deps).any? select = true if running && (exit_status.nil? && running_jobs.include?(id)) && (!deps || (running_jobs & deps).empty?) select = true if jobid && jobid.split(",").include?(id) select = true if search && cmd.match(/#{search}/) next unless select end puts Log.color :blue, dir puts Log.color(:magenta, "Creation: ") << File.mtime(File.join(dir, 'command.slurm')).to_s puts Log.color(:magenta, "Done: ") << File.mtime(File.join(dir, 'exit.status')).to_s if File.exist?(File.join(dir, 'exit.status')) puts Log.color(:magenta, "Exec: ") << (exe || "Missing") puts Log.color(:magenta, "CMD: ") << (Log.color(:yellow, cmd) || "Missing") puts Log.color(:magenta, "HOME: ") << Log.color(:yellow, container_home) if container_home puts Log.color(:magenta, "Job ID: ") << (exit_status ? (exit_status == 0 ? Log.color(:green, "Done") : Log.color(:red, "Error")) + " (#{ id })" : (running_jobs.include?(id) || $norunningjobs ? Log.color(:green, id) : Log.color(:red, id) )) puts Log.color(:magenta, "Dependencies: ") << deps * ", " if deps puts Log.color(:magenta, "Dependencies (can fail): ") << cadeps * ", " if cadeps puts Log.color(:magenta, "Nodes: ") << nodes * ", " puts Log.color(:magenta, "Output: ") << File.exists?(File.join(dir, 'std.out')).to_s << (id.nil? ? "" : " (last update " + Misc.format_seconds(time_diff) + " ago)") if options[:sbatch_parameters] puts Log.color(:magenta, "SBATCH parameters: ") text = CMD.cmd('grep "^#SBATCH" |tail -n +6', :in => Open.read(fcmd)).read.strip lines = text.split("\n").collect{|line| header, _sep, value = line.partition(/\s+/); Log.color(:yellow, header + ": ") + value} puts Log.color :yellow, lines * "\n" end fprocpath = File.join(dir, 'procpath.sqlite3') if options[:procpath_performance] && Open.exists?(fprocpath) puts Log.color(:magenta, "Procpath summary: ") require 'rbbt/tsv/csv' meta = TSV.csv(CMD.cmd("sqlite3 -header -csv #{fprocpath} 'select * from meta;' ")) perf = TSV.csv(CMD.cmd("sqlite3 -header -csv #{fprocpath} 'select * from record;' ")) page_size = meta["page_size"].first.to_f clock_ticks = meta["clock_ticks"].first.to_f cpu_average = {} rss_average = {} perf.through :key, ["ts", 'stat_pid', "stat_utime", "stat_stime", "stat_cutime", "stat_cstime", "stat_rss"] do |k, values| time, stat_pid, ucpu, scpu, ccpu, cscpu, rss = values time = time.to_f cpu = Misc.sum([ucpu, scpu].collect{|v| v.to_f}) cpu_average[stat_pid] ||= {} cpu_average[stat_pid][time] ||= [] cpu_average[stat_pid][time] << cpu.to_f rss_average[time] ||= [] rss_average[time] << rss.to_f * page_size end ticks = 0 cpu_average.each do |stat_pid, cpu_average_pid| start = cpu_average_pid.keys.sort.first eend = cpu_average_pid.keys.sort.last ticks += Misc.sum(cpu_average_pid[eend]) - Misc.sum(cpu_average_pid[start]) end start = rss_average.keys.sort.first eend = rss_average.keys.sort.last time_elapsed = eend - start puts Log.color(:yellow, "CPU average: ") + "%.2f" % ( ticks / clock_ticks / time_elapsed * 100).to_s puts Log.color(:yellow, "RSS average: ") + "%.2f GB" % Misc.mean(rss_average.collect{|t,l| Misc.sum(l) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)}).to_s end if options[:sacct_peformance] begin tsv = TSV.open(CMD.cmd("sacct -j #{id} -o 'jobid,AveRSS,MaxRSS,MaxDiskRead,MaxDiskWrite' -P|grep 'JobID\\|\.batch'"), :header_hash => '', :sep => "|", :type => :list) values = tsv[tsv.keys.first] if values.compact.any? puts Log.color(:magenta, "SACCT performance: ") puts values.zip(values.fields).collect{|v,t| Log.color(:yellow, t + ": ") + v.to_s } * "\n" end rescue end end if tail && File.exists?(File.join(dir, 'std.err')) if exit_status && exit_status != 0 puts Log.color(:magenta, "First error or exception found: ") puts CMD.cmd("grep -i -w 'error\\|[a-z]*exception' #{File.join(dir, 'std.err')} -A #{tail.to_i} |head -n #{tail.to_i}", :no_fail => true).read elsif exit_status puts Log.color(:magenta, "Completed jobs: ") puts CMD.cmd("grep -i -w 'Completed step' #{File.join(dir, 'std.err')} | grep -v 'Retrying dep.' | tail -n #{tail.to_i}", :no_fail => true).read else puts Log.color(:magenta, "Log tail: ") puts CMD.cmd("tail -n #{tail.to_i} #{File.join(dir, 'std.err')}").read end end count += 1 end puts puts "Found #{count} jobs"