%= javascript 'charts' %> <% title _("Trends") %> <% title_actions new_link(_("Add Trend Counter")), documentation_button('4.1.3Trends') %> <% if @trends.empty? %> <%= alert :class => 'alert-info', :header => _("No trend counter defined"), :text => (_("To define trend counters, use the Add Trend Counter button. To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute 'foreman-rake foreman_statistics:trends:counter' at least every %s minutes.") % Setting[:outofsync_interval]).html_safe %> <% end %> <% if @trends.any? and ForemanStatistics::TrendCounter.unconfigured? %> <%= alert :class => 'alert-info', :header => _("No trend counter found"), :text => (_("To start collecting trend data, set a cron job to execute foreman-rake foreman_statistics:trends:counter at least every %s minutes.") % Setting[:outofsync_interval]).html_safe %> <% end %>
<%= _("Name") %> | <%= _("Action") %> |
<%= link_to trend.to_label, trend_path(:id => trend), :title => _("Show Trends") %> | <%= action_buttons( display_link_if_authorized(_("Edit"), hash_for_edit_trend_path(:id => trend)), display_delete_if_authorized(hash_for_trend_path(:id => trend), :data => { :confirm => _("Delete all the trend history for %s?") % trend.type_name })) %> |