# Jekyll-Timeago [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/jekyll-timeago.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/jekyll-timeago) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/markets/jekyll-timeago.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/markets/jekyll-timeago) > A Ruby library to compute distance of dates in words. Originally built for Jekyll, as a Liquid extension. Main features: * Compute distance of dates in words, ie: `1 week and 2 days ago`, `5 months ago`, `in 1 year` * Future times. * Out of the box support for `Jekyll` (v1, v2 and v3) projects, available as a Liquid Filter and as a Liquid Tag. * Localization (i18n). * Level of detail. * Available via the command line. In fact, `jekyll-timeago` started just as an extension for [Liquid](https://github.com/Shopify/liquid) template engine, to be used in Jekyll and Octopress backed sites. But actually, you can use it easily in any Ruby project. Read more about usage outside Jekyll [in this section](#usage-outside-jekyll). ## Installation You have different options to install and plugging it into Jekyll projects: **Via Jekyll plugin system (recommended)** Install the `gem` to your system: ``` gem install jekyll-timeago ``` In your `_config.yml` file, add a new array with the key gems and the values of the gem names of the plugins you’d like to use. In this case: ``` gems: - jekyll-timeago ``` **Via Bundler** Add this gem to your `Gemfile` and run `bundle install`: ```ruby group :jekyll_plugins do gem 'jekyll-timeago' end ``` **Manually (less recommended)** Alternatively, you can simply copy the files under [lib/jekyll-timeago](lib/jekyll-timeago/) directly into your `_plugins/` directory. All those files will be loaded by Jekyll. ## Usage By default, the `timeago` helper computes distance of dates from passed date to current date (using `Date.today`). But you are able to modify this range by passing a second argument. Examples: **Filter example**: ```html

{{ page.date | timeago }}

``` Passing a parameter: ```html

{{ page.date | timeago: '2020-1-1' }}

``` **Tag example**: ```html

{% timeago 2000-1-1 %}

``` Passing a second parameter: ```html

{% timeago 2000-1-1 2010-1-1 %}

``` ## Localization This plugin allows you to localize the strings needed to build the sentences. To do this, you just need to add some extra keys in your `_config.yml`. You can simply copy them from one of the [provided examples](lib/jekyll-timeago/config/). Or even, translate it to your site's language just overriding it. English example (default): ``` jekyll_timeago: depth: 2 # Level of detail today: 'today' yesterday: 'yesterday' tomorrow: 'tomorrow' and: 'and' suffix: 'ago' prefix: '' suffix_future: '' prefix_future: 'in' years: 'years' year: 'year' months: 'months' month: 'month' weeks: 'weeks' week: 'week' days: 'days' day: 'day' ``` **NOTE** You also can play with suffixes and prefixes to modify the sentences. For example, set `suffix: nil` and you'll get only the distance of dates: `1 year, 4 months and 1 week`. ## Level of detail (Depth) You are able to change the level of detail (from 1 up to 4, 2 by default) to get higher or lower granularity. This option is setted via the `config` file (see sample in previous section). Examples: * Depth => 1 `1 year ago` * Depth => 2 `1 year and 4 months ago` (default) * Depth => 3 `1 year, 4 months and 1 week ago` * Depth => 4 `1 year, 4 months, 1 week and 4 days ago` ## Usage outside Jekyll You just need to install the gem to your application (add `gem 'jekyll-timeago'` to your Gemfile). From now on, you can use the provided method by calling: ```ruby Jekyll::Timeago::Core.timeago(from, to, options) ``` Note, that you can use the `options` parameter (must be a `Hash` and be passed as the last parameter) to override the default localization or the level of detail, e.g.: ```ruby options = { "depth" => 3, "prefix" => "hace", "months" => "meses", "and" => "y", "week" => "semana", "suffix" => nil } ``` Or if you have the gem installed in your system and you're not using Bundler: ```ruby require 'jekyll-timeago' puts Jekyll::Timeago::Core.timeago(from, to, options) ``` ## CLI ``` $ jekyll-timeago 2016-1-1 2 months and 6 days ago ``` ### Console Run `$ jekyll-timeago --console` to start a custom IRB session and play with the `timeago` method: ```ruby >> timeago(Date.today) => "today" >> timeago(Date.today.prev_day) => "yesterday" >> timeago(Date.today.prev_day(10)) => "1 week and 3 days ago" >> timeago(Date.today.prev_day(100)) => "3 months and 1 week ago" >> timeago(Date.today.prev_day(500)) => "1 year and 4 months ago" >> timeago('2010-1-1', '2012-1-1') => "2 years ago" >> timeago(Date.today.next_day) => "tomorrow" >> timeago(Date.today.next_day(7)) => "in 1 week" >> timeago(Date.today.next_day(1000)) => "in 2 years and 8 months" ``` You can modify globally, via the `configure` method, all the available options: ```ruby >> configure({ "yesterday" => "ayer" }) => "ayer" >> timeago(Date.today.prev_day) => "ayer" ``` ## Development Any kind of feedback, bug report, idea or enhancement are really appreciated. To contribute, just fork the repo, hack on it and send a pull request. Don't forget to add specs for behaviour changes and run the test suite: ``` bundle exec appraisal rake ``` `Appraisal` library is used to ensure compatibility with different Jekyll versions. Check out current supported versions [here](Appraisals). ## License Copyright (c) Marc Anguera. Jekyll-Timeago is released under the [MIT](LICENSE) License.