module UiBibz::Ui::Core::Layouts # Create a col # # This element is an extend of UiBibz::Ui::Core::Component. # size are xs, sm, md, lg, xl # # ==== Attributes # # * +content+ - Content of element # * +options+ - Options of element # * +html_options+ - Html Options of element # # ==== Options # # You can add HTML attributes using the +html_options+. # You can pass arguments in options attribute: # * +num+ - Integer | 0..12 # * +offset+ - Integer # * +pull+ - Integer # * +push+ - Integer # * +xs+ - Hash # * +sm+ - Hash # * +md+ - Hash # * +lg+ - Hash # * +xl+ - Hash # # ==== Signatures # #, options = {}, html_options = {}).render # # = {}, html_options = {}) do # content # end.render # # ==== Examples # #'content', { num: 2, offset: 1 }, { class: 'test' }) # # { num: 2, pull: 1, push: 1}, md: { num: 3 }, { class: 'test' }) do # #content # end # # ==== Helper # # col(options = {}, html_options = {}) do # # content # end # class Col < UiBibz::Ui::Core::Component # See UiBibz::Ui::Core::Component.initialize def initialize content = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block super end # Render html tag def pre_render content_tag :div, content, html_options end private def component_html_classes col_classes end def col_classes kl = [] @options.each do |ke,va| kl << write_classes(ke, va) if %i(xs sm md lg xl).include?(ke) end if not_col_options? kl = "col" else kl << write_classes(:md, @options) if kl.empty? end kl end def not_col_options? (@options.keys & %i(xs sm md lg xl num offset push pull)).empty? end def write_classes size, opts{ |k, v| send(k, size.to_sym, v) if %i(num offset push pull).include?(k) }.join(' ') end # col-md-9 def num size, n size == :auto ? "col" : "col-#{ size }-#{ n }" end # col-md-offset-9 def offset size, n "offset-#{ size }-#{ n }" end # col-md-push-9 def push size, n "col-#{ size }-push-#{ n }" end # col-md-pull-9 def pull size, n "col-#{ size }-pull-#{ n }" end end end