module Cloudfuji module Models def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end def cloudfuji_save # It's possible we're saving an item just handed to us by Cloudfuji, so we # don't want to re-publish it. We can detect it using the version. puts "what" # cloudfuji_id.nil? This is new, it's from us (otherwise cloudfuji would have given it an id), we should publish it. # cloudfuji_version == self.find( The version hasn't changed, our data has, we should publish it puts "new_record? #{self.new_record?}" puts " = #{}" puts "ido_id.nil? #{ido_id.nil?}" puts "ido_version == self.class.find( ? #{ido_version == self.class.find(}" unless self.new_record? if self.ido_id.nil? or (not self.new_record? and self.ido_version == self.class.find( puts "Local change, publishing to Cloudfuji databus" data = self.to_cloudfuji begin response = Cloudfuji::Data.publish(self.class.class_variable_get("@@ido_model"), data) rescue => e puts e.inspect # TODO: Catch specific exceptions and bubble up errors (e.g. 'cloudfuji is down', 'model is malformed', etc.) return false end self.ido_version = response["ido_version"] self.ido_id ||= response["ido_id"] puts response.inspect else puts "Remote change, not publishing to Cloudfuji databus" end return true end module ClassMethods def cloudfuji model self.class_variable_set("@@ido_model", model) [:create, :update, :destroy].each do |event| puts "Hooking into #{model}.#{event}..." Cloudfuji::Data.listen("#{model}.#{event}") do |data, hook| puts "#{hook}.) Firing off #{model}.#{event} now with data: #{data}" self.send("on_cloudfuji_#{event}".to_sym, self.from_cloudfuji(data)) end end before_save :cloudfuji_save end end end end