require 'digest/md5' module Gravatarify # Hash of 'ultra_long_option_name' => 'abbrevated option' # :nodoc: GRAVATAR_ABBREV_OPTIONS = { 'default' => 'd', 'rating' => 'r', 'size' => 's' } class << self # Globally define options which are then merged on every call to # +gravatar_url+, this is useful to e.g. define the default image. # # Setting global options should be done (for Rails apps) in an initializer: # # # set the default image using a Proc # Gravatarify.options[:default] = { |*args| "{args.first[:size] || 80}.jpg" } # # # or set a custom default rating # Gravatarify.options[:rating] = :R # # # or disable adding an extension # Gravatarify.options[:filetype] = false # def options; @options ||= { :filetype => :jpg } end # Allows to define some styles, makes it simpler to call by name, instead of always giving a size etc. # # Gravatarify.styles[:mini] => { :size => 30, :default => "" } # # # in the views, it will then use the stuff defined by styles[:mini]: # <%= gravatar_tag @user, :mini %> # def styles; @styles ||= {} end # Globally overide subdomains used to build gravatar urls, normally # +gravatarify+ picks from either,, # or when building hosts, to use a custom # set of subdomains (or none!) do something like: # # Gravatarify.subdomains = %w{ 0 www } # only use and # def subdomains=(subdomains) @subdomains = [*subdomains] end # Get subdomain for supplied string or returns +www+ if none is # defined. def subdomain(str) #:nodoc: @subdomains ||= %w{ 0 1 2 www } @subdomains[str.hash % @subdomains.size] || 'www' end end # Provides core support to build gravatar urls based on supplied e-mail strings. module Base # Method which builds a gravatar url based on a supplied email and options as # defined by ( # # gravatar_url('', :size => 16) # => "" # # It supports multiple gravatar hosts (based on email hash), i.e. depending # on the hash, either,, or # is used. # # If supplied +email+ responds to either a method named +email+ or +mail+, the value of that method # is used instead to build the gravatar hash. Very useful to just pass in ActiveRecord object for instance: # # @user = User.find_by_email("") # gravatar_url(@user) # => "" # gravatar_url( # same as above! # # Among all options as defined by's specification, there also exist some special options: # # gravatar_url(@user, :secure => true) # => # # Useful when working on SSL enabled sites. Of course often used options should be set through # +Gravatarify.options+. # # @param [String, #email, #mail] email a string representing an email, or object which responds to +email+ or +mail+ # @param [Symbol, Hash] *params customize generated url. First argument can also be a style. # @option url_options [String, Proc] :default (nil) URL of an image to use as default when no gravatar exists. # also accepts special values like +identicon+, +monsterid+ or +wavater+ which just displays # a generic icon based on the hash or 404 which return a HTTP Status 404. # @option url_options [String, Symbol] :rating (:g) Specify the rating, supports :g, :pg, # :r or :x, they correspond to movie ratings :) # @option url_options [Integer] :size (80) The size of the (square) image. # @option url_options [Boolean, Proc] :secure (false) If set to +true+, then uses the secure URL. If a Proc is # supplied it's evaluated, the Proc should evaluate to +true+ or +false+. # @option url_options [String, Symbol] :filetype (:jpg) supports only :gif, :jpg and :png. # if an set to +false+, +nil+ or an empty string no extension is added. # @return [String] In any case (even if supplied +email+ is +nil+) returns a fully qualified URL. # The returned string is not yet HTML escaped, *but* all +url_options+ have been URI escaped. def gravatar_url(email, *params) url_options = Utils.merge_gravatar_options(*params) email_hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(Utils.smart_email(email)) extension = (ext = url_options.delete(:filetype) and ext != '') ? ".#{ext || 'jpg'}" : '' # slightly adapted from gudleik's implementation build_gravatar_host(email_hash, url_options.delete(:secure)) + "/avatar/#{email_hash}#{extension}#{build_gravatar_options(email, url_options)}" end # For backwards compatibility. alias_method :build_gravatar_url, :gravatar_url private # Builds gravatar host name from supplied e-mail hash. # Ensures that for the same +str_hash+ always the same subdomain is used. # # @param [String] str_hash email, as hashed string as described in implementation specs # @param [Boolean, Proc] secure if set to +true+ then uses gravatars secure host (, # else that subdomain magic. If it's passed in a +Proc+, it's evaluated and the result (+true+/+false+) is used # for the same decicion. # @return [String] Protocol and hostname (like, without trailing slash. def build_gravatar_host(str_hash, secure = false) secure = if secure.respond_to?(:call) secure ? "" : "http://#{Gravatarify.subdomain(str_hash)}" end # Builds a query string from all passed in options. def build_gravatar_options(source, url_options = {}) params = url_options.inject([]) do |params, (key, value)| key = key.to_s if key != 'html' key = GRAVATAR_ABBREV_OPTIONS[key] if GRAVATAR_ABBREV_OPTIONS.include?(key) # shorten key! value =, source) if key == 'd' and value.respond_to?(:call) params << "#{Utils.escape(key)}=#{Utils.escape(value)}" if value end params end "?#{params.sort * '&'}" unless params.empty? end end end