{{ docidentifier }}
{{ draftinfo }}
{%- if isostandard and gbequivalence == "IDT" -%}
/{{ isostandard }}
{%- endif -%}
{% if obsoletes %}
{% if obsoletes_part %}
{{ partly_supercedes_lbl }}
{% else %}
{{ supercedes_lbl }}
{% endif %}
{{ obsoletes }}
{% endif %}
{{ docmaintitlezh }}
{{ docsubtitlezh }}
{{ docpartitlezh }}
{{ docmaintitleen }}
{{ docsubtitleen }}
{{ docpartitleen }}
{% if isostandard %}
{{ isostandard }}
{% if isostandardtitle != "[not supplied]" %}
{{ isostandardtitle }}
{% endif %}
{{ gbequivalence }}
{% endif %}
{% if stage and stage < 60 %}
({{ stageabbr }})
{% if revdate %}
({{completion_date}}:{{ revdate }})
{% endif %}
{% if stage == 30 %}
{{ patent_request }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}