Nutcracker Web
[Nutcracker]( web interface plugin
### Disclaimer
this project is still in its early stages so things could be a little buggy, if you find one feel free to [report]( it.
Also nutcracker-web only supports Redis instances for now.
### Dependencies
- Ruby 1.9+
- [nutcracker-ruby](
### Installation
add this to your Gemfile
gem 'nutcracker-web'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
### Usage
require 'nutcracker'
require 'nutcracker/web'
# Start nutcracker
nutcracker = Nutcracker.start(config_file: 'cluster.conf')
# Start the web service on port 1234 using Webrick
nutcracker.use(:web, Port: 1234)
# Sleeping....
you can pass default [Rack]( [options]( to `Nutcracker#use` ( like :Host, :server etc)
### Custom Webserver
to use a different webserver like [thin](
require 'nutcracker'
require 'nutcracker/web'
require 'thin'
nutcracker = Nutcracker.start(config_file: 'cluster.conf')
nutcracker.use(:web, Port: 1234, server: :thin)
### Gotchas
- `redis.conf` : don't forget to configure the `maxmemory` attribute for each Redis instance
### Developer
to run nutcracker-web with stub data
- `bundle install`
- run the `rackup` command to start the service.
- edit `example.json`.
- client Backbone app is under `assets` and the Sinatra backend is under the `lib` directory.
### Packaging & Testing
- `rake compile` : compile the assets into a single application.{js,css} file under the public directory
- `rake build` : compile the assets & builds a new gem
- `rake test` : runs the jasmine tests suite
### Warranty
This software is provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
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