# Miscellaneous H3 functions These functions include descriptions of the H3 grid system. ## degsToRads ``` double degsToRads(double degrees); ``` Converts degrees to radians. ## radsToDegs ``` double radsToDegs(double radians); ``` Converts radians to degrees. ## hexAreaKm2 ``` double hexAreaKm2(int res); ``` Average hexagon area in square kilometers at the given resolution. ## hexAreaM2 ``` double hexAreaM2(int res); ``` Average hexagon area in square meters at the given resolution. ## cellAreaKm2 ``` double cellAreaKm2(H3Index h); ``` Exact area of specific cell in square kilometers. ## cellAreaM2 ``` double cellAreaM2(H3Index h); ``` Exact area of specific cell in square meters. ## cellAreaRads2 ``` double cellAreaRads2(H3Index h); ``` Exact area of specific cell in square radians. ## edgeLengthKm ``` double edgeLengthKm(int res); ``` Average hexagon edge length in kilometers at the given resolution. ## edgeLengthM ``` double edgeLengthM(int res); ``` Average hexagon edge length in meters at the given resolution. ## exactEdgeLengthKm ``` double exactEdgeLengthKm(H3Index edge); ``` Exact edge length of specific unidirectional edge in kilometers. ## exactEdgeLengthM ``` double exactEdgeLengthM(H3Index edge); ``` Exact edge length of specific unidirectional edge in meters. ## exactEdgeLengthRads ``` double exactEdgeLengthRads(H3Index edge); ``` Exact edge length of specific unidirectional edge in radians. ## numHexagons ``` int64_t numHexagons(int res); ``` Number of unique **H3** indexes at the given resolution. ## getRes0Indexes ``` void getRes0Indexes(H3Index *out); ``` All the resolution 0 **H3** indexes. `out` must be an array of at least size `res0IndexCount()`. ## res0IndexCount ``` int res0IndexCount(); ``` Number of resolution 0 **H3** indexes. ## getPentagonIndexes ``` void getPentagonIndexes(int res, H3Index *out); ``` All the pentagon **H3** indexes at the specified resolution. `out` must be an array of at least size `pentagonIndexCount()`. ## pentagonIndexCount ``` int pentagonIndexCount(); ``` Number of pentagon **H3** indexes per resolution. This is always 12, but provided as a convenience. ## pointDistKm ``` double pointDistKm(const GeoCoord *a, const GeoCoord *b); ``` Gives the "great circle" or "haversine" distance between pairs of GeoCoord points (lat/lng pairs) in kilometers. ## pointDistM ``` double pointDistM(const GeoCoord *a, const GeoCoord *b); ``` Gives the "great circle" or "haversine" distance between pairs of GeoCoord points (lat/lng pairs) in meters. ## pointDistRads ``` double pointDistRads(const GeoCoord *a, const GeoCoord *b); ``` Gives the "great circle" or "haversine" distance between pairs of GeoCoord points (lat/lng pairs) in radians.