class EventRule < ActiveRecord::Base # event category validations validates_presence_of :event_category validates_presence_of :cloudfuji_event, :if => lambda { self.event_category == 'cloudfuji_event_received' } validates_presence_of :lead_attribute, :if => lambda { self.event_category == 'lead_attribute_changed' } # action validations validates_presence_of :action validates_presence_of :tag, :if => lambda { %w(add_tag remove_tag).include?(self.action) } validates_numericality_of :change_score_by, :only_integer => true, :if => lambda { self.action == 'change_lead_score' } validates_numericality_of :limit_per_lead, :only_integer => true, :allow_blank => true has_many :lead_event_rule_counts def process(lead, match_data) # How many times this rule has been applied to a given Lead count = LeadEventRuleCount.find_by_lead_id_and_event_rule_id(lead, self) || => lead, :event_rule => self) # Don't apply this rule more than limit_per_lead, if set unless limit_per_lead.present? && count.count > limit_per_lead # If :match is present, only apply the rule if data matches string if match.blank? || event_matches?(match_data) # Run the action method if defined if respond_to?(action) send(action, lead, match_data) # Increment and save count of rule/lead applications count.count += 1 else raise "Do not know how to process '#{action}' action." end end end end # Actions # ----------------------------------------------------------------- def change_lead_score(lead, match_data) lead.without_versioning do lead.update_attribute :score, lead.score + change_score_by end # Add history event to lead, to record change of score lead.versions.create! :event => "Rule for #{human_event_label}: Score changed by #{change_score_by} points. (New total: #{lead.score})" end def send_notification(lead, match_data) if ::Cloudfuji::Platform.on_cloudfuji? # Fire a Cloudfuji event message = case event_category when 'cloudfuji_event_received' "Cloudfuji event was received - '#{cloudfuji_event}'" when 'lead_attribute_changed' "Lead \"#{lead.full_name}\" was updated - #{lead_attribute} was changed from '#{match_data[0]}' to '#{match_data[1]}'." end event = { :category => :fat_free_crm, :name => :notification, :data => { :message => message } } ::Cloudfuji::Event.publish(event) end end def add_tag(lead, match_data) lead.tag_list << tag save_lead_without_versioning_or_observers(lead) lead.versions.create! :event => "Rule for #{human_event_label}: Added tag '#{tag}'" end def remove_tag(lead, match_data) lead.tag_list -= [tag] save_lead_without_versioning_or_observers(lead) lead.versions.create! :event => "Rule for #{human_event_label}: Removed tag '#{tag}'" end private def event_matches?(match_data) test_string = case_insensitive_matching ? match.downcase : match case event_category when 'cloudfuji_event_received' match_string = match_data.inspect match_string.downcase! if case_insensitive_matching match_string.include?(test_string) when 'lead_attribute_changed' match_string = match_data[1].dup match_string.downcase! if case_insensitive_matching match_string == test_string end end def human_event_label case event_category when 'cloudfuji_event_received'; "Cloudfuji event - '#{cloudfuji_event}'" when 'lead_attribute_changed'; "Lead update - '#{lead_attribute}'" end end def save_lead_without_versioning_or_observers(lead) Lead.observers.disable :cloudfuji_lead_observer do lead.without_versioning do end end end end