try_require_if_javascript "less" do module Jekyll module Assets module Processors class LESS # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup and pull out the context and update the data, shipping it. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def data = input[:data]; paths = [input[:load_path]] tree = Less.instance_variable_get(:@loader).require("less/tree") context = input[:environment] patch_tree(tree, context) paths |= input[:environment].paths paths |= Dir.glob(input[:load_path] + '/*').select(&File.method(:directory?)) parser = => paths) context.metadata.merge({ :data => => paths) \ .parse(data).to_css }) end # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add the sprockets helpers into the Less environment so people can # use assets from within Less... as they see fit. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # We also make sure to disable their quotes so that we can quote # ourselves if we need to, otherwise we simply just take the values. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def self.patch_tree(tree, context) Helpers.instance_methods.each do |m| tree.functions["_", "-")] = tree.functions[m.to_s] = lambda do |*args| args.last.tap do |o| o[:quote] = "" o[:value] = context.send(m, args.last.toCSS().gsub( /^"|"$/, "" )) if m.to_s.end_with?("_path") o[:value] = o[:value].inspect end end end end end end end end end # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if >= Sprockets.register_mime_type "text/less", :extensions => [".less", ".css.less"] Sprockets.register_transformer("text/less", "test/css", Jekyll::Assets::Processors::LESS ) else Sprockets.register_engine( ".less", Jekyll::Assets::Processors::LESS, { :silence_deprecation => true } ) end end