# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe GraphQL::Query::Context do CTX = [] before { CTX.clear } let(:parent_info_type) { GraphQL::ObjectType.define { name "ParentInfo" field :object, types.String do resolve ->(o, a, c) { c.parent.parent.object } end field :objectClassName, types.String do resolve ->(o, a, c) { c.parent.parent.object.class.name } end field :valueClassName, types.String do resolve ->(o, a, c) { c.parent.parent.value.class.name } end field :value, types.String do resolve ->(o, a, c) { c.parent.parent.value.to_s } end } } let(:backtrace_type) { GraphQL::ObjectType.define do name "Backtrace" field :backtraceEntry, types.String do argument :idx, !types.Int resolve ->(o, a, c) { c.backtrace[a[:idx]] } end field :backtraceArray, types[types.String] do resolve ->(o, a, c) { c.backtrace.to_a } end field :backtraceTable, types.String do resolve ->(o, a, c) { c.backtrace.inspect } end end } let(:query_type) { parent_info = parent_info_type backtrace = backtrace_type GraphQL::ObjectType.define { name "Query" field :context, types.String do argument :key, !types.String resolve ->(target, args, ctx) { ctx[args[:key]] } end field :contextAstNodeName, types.String do resolve ->(target, args, ctx) { ctx.ast_node.class.name } end field :contextIrepNodeName, types.String do resolve ->(target, args, ctx) { ctx.irep_node.class.name } end field :queryName, types.String do resolve ->(target, args, ctx) { ctx.query.class.name } end field :pushContext, types.Int do resolve ->(t,a,c) { CTX << c; 1 } end field :pushQueryError, types.Int do resolve ->(t,a,c) { c.query.context.add_error(GraphQL::ExecutionError.new("Query-level error")) 1 } end field :parentInfo, parent_info, resolve: ->(o,a,c) { :noop } field :backtrace, backtrace, resolve: Proc.new { :noop } } } let(:schema) { GraphQL::Schema.define(query: query_type, mutation: nil)} let(:result) { schema.execute(query_string, root_value: "rootval", context: {"some_key" => "some value"})} describe "access to parent context" do let(:query_string) { %| { parentInfo { value valueClassName object objectClassName } } |} it "exposes the parent object" do expected = { "data" => { "parentInfo" => { "objectClassName" => "String", "object" => "rootval", "value" => "{}", "valueClassName" => "Hash", } } } assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "access to passed-in values" do let(:query_string) { %| query getCtx { context(key: "some_key") } |} it "passes context to fields" do expected = {"data" => {"context" => "some value"}} assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "access to the AST node" do let(:query_string) { %| query getCtx { contextAstNodeName } |} it "provides access to the AST node" do expected = {"data" => {"contextAstNodeName" => "GraphQL::Language::Nodes::Field"}} assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "#backtrace" do let(:query_string) { %| query { backtrace { b1: backtraceEntry(idx: 0) b2: backtraceEntry(idx: 1) b3: backtraceEntry(idx: 2) backtraceArray backtraceTable } pushContext } |} it "exposes the GraphQL backtrace" do backtrace_result = result.fetch("data").fetch("backtrace") assert_equal "4:11: Backtrace.backtraceEntry as b1", backtrace_result.fetch("b1") assert_equal "3:9: Query.backtrace", backtrace_result.fetch("b2") assert_equal "2:7: query", backtrace_result.fetch("b3") assert_equal ["7:11: Backtrace.backtraceArray", "3:9: Query.backtrace", "2:7: query"], backtrace_result.fetch("backtraceArray") expected_table = [ 'Loc | Field | Object | Arguments | Result', '8:11 | Backtrace.backtraceTable | :noop | {} | nil', '3:9 | Query.backtrace | "rootval" | {} | {b1: "4:11: Backtrace.backtraceEntry as b1", b2: "3:9: Query.backtrace", b3: "2:7: query", backtr...', '2:7 | query | "rootval" | {} | {}', '', ].join("\n") assert_equal expected_table, backtrace_result.fetch("backtraceTable") expected_table_2 = <<-TABLE Loc | Field | Object | Arguments | Result 10:9 | Query.pushContext | "rootval" | {} | 1 2:7 | query | "rootval" | {} | {backtrace: {...}, pushContext: 1} TABLE ctx = CTX.last assert_equal expected_table_2, ctx.backtrace.to_s end end describe "access to the InternalRepresentation node" do let(:query_string) { %| query getCtx { contextIrepNodeName } |} it "provides access to the AST node" do expected = {"data" => {"contextIrepNodeName" => "GraphQL::InternalRepresentation::Node"}} assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "access to the query" do let(:query_string) { %| query getCtx { queryName } |} it "provides access to the AST node" do expected = {"data" => {"queryName" => "GraphQL::Query"}} assert_equal(expected, result) end end describe "empty values" do let(:context) { GraphQL::Query::Context.new(query: OpenStruct.new(schema: schema), values: nil, object: nil) } it "returns returns nil and reports key? => false" do assert_equal(nil, context[:some_key]) assert_equal(false, context.key?(:some_key)) assert_raises(KeyError) { context.fetch(:some_key) } end end describe "assigning values" do let(:context) { GraphQL::Query::Context.new(query: OpenStruct.new(schema: schema), values: nil, object: nil) } it "allows you to assign new contexts" do assert_equal(nil, context[:some_key]) context[:some_key] = "wow!" assert_equal("wow!", context[:some_key]) end describe "namespaces" do let(:context) { GraphQL::Query::Context.new(query: OpenStruct.new(schema: schema), values: {a: 1}, object: nil) } it "doesn't conflict with base values" do ns = context.namespace(:stuff) ns[:b] = 2 assert_equal({a: 1}, context.to_h) assert_equal({b: 2}, context.namespace(:stuff)) end end end describe "accessing context after the fact" do let(:query_string) { %| { pushContext } |} it "preserves path information" do assert_equal 1, result["data"]["pushContext"] last_ctx = CTX.pop assert_equal ["pushContext"], last_ctx.path err = GraphQL::ExecutionError.new("Test position info") last_ctx.add_error(err) assert_equal ["pushContext"], err.path assert_equal [2, 9], [err.ast_node.line, err.ast_node.col] end end describe "query-level errors" do let(:query_string) { %| { pushQueryError } |} it "allows query-level errors" do expected_err = { "message" => "Query-level error" } assert_equal [expected_err], result["errors"] end end describe "custom context class" do it "can be specified" do query_str = '{ inspectContext find(id: "Musician/Herbie Hancock") { ... on Musician { inspectContext } } }' res = Jazz::Schema.execute(query_str, context: { magic_key: :ignored, normal_key: "normal_value" }) expected_values = ["custom_method", "magic_value", "normal_value"] assert_equal expected_values, res["data"]["inspectContext"] assert_equal expected_values, res["data"]["find"]["inspectContext"] end end end