# Index as a Table By default, the index page is a table with each of the models content columns and links to show, edit and delete the object. There are many ways to customize what gets displayed. ## Defining Columns To display an attribute or a method on a resource, simply pass a symbol into the column method: ```ruby index do selectable_column column :title end ``` For association columns we make an educated guess on what to display by calling the following methods in the following order: ```ruby :display_name, :full_name, :name, :username, :login, :title, :email, :to_s ``` This can be customized in `config/initializers/active_admin.rb`. If the default title does not work for you, pass it as the first argument: ```ruby index do selectable_column column "My Custom Title", :title end ``` Sometimes that just isn't enough and you need to write some view-specific code. For example, say we wanted a "Title" column that links to the posts admin screen. `column` accepts a block that will be rendered for each of the objects in the collection. The block is called once for each resource, which is passed as an argument to the block. ```ruby index do selectable_column column "Title" do |post| link_to post.title, admin_post_path(post) end end ``` ## Defining Actions To setup links to View, Edit and Delete a resource, use the `actions` method: ```ruby index do selectable_column column :title actions end ``` You can also append custom links to the default links: ```ruby index do selectable_column column :title actions do |post| item "Preview", admin_preview_post_path(post), class: "member_link" end end ``` Or forego the default links entirely: ```ruby index do column :title actions defaults: false do |post| item "View", admin_post_path(post) end end ``` Or append custom action with custom html via arbre: ```ruby index do column :title actions do |post| a link_to "View", admin_post_path(post) end end ``` In case you prefer to list actions links in a dropdown menu: ```ruby index do selectable_column column :title actions dropdown: true do |post| item "Preview", admin_preview_post_path(post) end end ``` ## Sorting When a column is generated from an Active Record attribute, the table is sortable by default. If you are creating a custom column, you may need to give Active Admin a hint for how to sort the table. If a column is defined using a block, you must pass the key to turn on sorting. The key is the attribute which gets used to sort objects using Active Record. By default, this is the column on the resource's table that the attribute corresponds to. Otherwise, any attribute that the resource collection responds to can be used. ```ruby index do column :title, sortable: :title do |post| link_to post.title, admin_post_path(post) end end ``` You can turn off sorting on any column by passing false: ```ruby index do column :title, sortable: false end ``` It's also possible to sort by PostgreSQL's hstore column key. You should set `sortable` option to a `column->'key'` value: ```ruby index do column :keywords, sortable: "meta->'keywords'" end ``` ## Associated Sorting You're normally able to sort columns alphabetically, but by default you can't sort by associated objects. Though with a few simple changes, you can. Assuming you're on the Books index page, and Book has_one Publisher: ```ruby controller do def scoped_collection super.includes :publisher # prevents N+1 queries to your database end end ``` Then it's simple to sort by any Publisher attribute from within the index table: ```ruby index do column :publisher, sortable: 'publishers.name' end ``` ## Showing and Hiding Columns The entire index block is rendered within the context of the view, so you can easily do things that show or hide columns based on the current context. For example, if you were using CanCan: ```ruby index do column :title, sortable: false column :secret_data if can? :manage, Post end ``` ## Custom row class In order to add special class to table rows pass the proc object as a `:row_class` option of the `index` method. ```ruby index row_class: ->elem { 'active' if elem.active? } do # columns end ```