schema_qualified_tables history =============================== 1.1.1 ----- - Don't prepend the schema if it is already present in AR 3.2. (#8, #9) 1.1.0 ----- - ActiveRecord 3.2 support. (#3) Previous versions worked with AR 3.2 but this version eliminates the deprecation warnings arising from the use of `set_table_name`, etc. 1.0.1 ----- - ActiveRecord 3.1 support. (#1) - Add top-level require -- you can now require `'schema_qualified_tables'` instead of always having to use `'bcdatabase/active_record/schema_qualified_tables'`. (#2) 1.0.0 ----- - Split out from NUBIC internal `bcdatabase` project. (Changelog entries below reflect the relevant changes & version numbers from that project.) Bcdatabase history ================== 0.6.2 ----- - Fix infinite recursion bug when schema-qualified tables are enabled on a database which doesn't support sequences. 0.6.1 ----- - Schema-qualified names are dynamically determined, removing the order dependency between setting ActiveRecord::Base.schemas and defining any particular model. Side effect: schema-qualified names do not work with anonymous models at all (previously they only worked in certain circumstances). 0.6.0 ----- - Make the schema part of SchemaQualifiedTables inherited so that it can be set just once in a base class for a whole hierarchy. - Ensure that set_schema does not throw an exception when invoked before the connection is established. 0.5.2 ----- - Works with CPKs 0.5.1 ----- - Support schema-qualified sequence names in SchemaQualifiedTables, too 0.5.0 ----- - Extension Bcdatabase:Rails::SchemaQualifiedTables to add schema-qualified table name support to active record.