# TODO: Check the permission table for double entries, ie: both an entry in the # generic_role_id field and an entry in the context_role field. Solution: solve # via model. Update model & add test module Cbac if Cbac::Setup.check puts "CBAC properly installed" require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/cbac/privilege')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/cbac/privilege_set')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/cbac/context_role')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/cbac/cbac_pristine/pristine')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/cbac/cbac_pristine/pristine_file')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/cbac/cbac_pristine/pristine_permission')) # check performs a check to see if the user is allowed to access the given # resource. Example: authorization_check("BlogController", "index", :get) def authorization_check(controller, action, request, context = {}) # Determine the controller to look for controller_method = [controller, action].join("/") # Get the privilegesets privilege_sets = Privilege.select(controller_method, request) # Check the privilege sets check_privilege_sets(privilege_sets, context) end # Check the given privilege_set symbol # TODO following code is not yet tested def check_privilege_set(privilege_set, context = {}) check_privilege_sets([PrivilegeSet.sets[privilege_set.to_sym]], context) end # Check the given privilege_sets def check_privilege_sets(privilege_sets, context = {}) # Check the generic roles return true if privilege_sets.any? { |set| Cbac::GenericRole.find(:all, :conditions => ["user_id= ? AND privilege_set_id = ?", current_user_id, set.id],:joins => [:generic_role_members, :permissions]).length > 0 } # Check the context roles Get the permissions privilege_sets.collect{|privilege_set|Cbac::Permission.find(:all, :conditions => ["privilege_set_id = ? AND generic_role_id = 0", privilege_set.id.to_s])}.flatten.each do |permission| puts "Checking for context_role:#{permission.context_role} on privilege_set:#{permission.privilege_set.name}" if Cbac::Config.verbose eval_string = ContextRole.roles[permission.context_role.to_sym] # Not sure if this will work everywhere context["foo"] = "bar" context["session"] = session begin return true if eval_string.call(context) rescue Exception => e puts "Error in context role: #{permission.context_role} on privilege_set: #{permission.privilege_set.name}. Context: #{context}" raise e if RAILS_ENV == "development" or RAILS_ENV == "test" # In development mode, this should crash as hard as possible, but in further stages, it should not end end # not authorized puts "Not authorized for: #{controller_method}" if Cbac::Config.verbose false end # Code that performs authorization def authorize authorization_check(params[:controller], params[:action], request.request_method) || unauthorized end # Default unauthorized method Override this method to supply your own code # for incorrect authorization def unauthorized render :text => "You are not authorized to perform this action", :status => 401 end # Default implementation of the current_user method def current_user_id session[:currentuser].to_i end # Load controller classes and methods def load_controller_methods begin Dir.glob("app/controllers/**/*.rb").each{|file| require file} rescue LoadError raise "Could not load controller classes" end # Make this iterative TODO @classes = ApplicationController.subclasses end # Extracts the class name from the filename def extract_class_name(filename) File.basename(filename).chomp(".rb").camelize end # ### Initializer Include privileges file - contains the privilege and # privilege definitions begin require File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "config", "cbac", "privileges.rb") rescue MissingSourceFile puts "CBAC warning: Could not load config/cbac/privileges.rb (Did you run ./script/generate cbac?)" end # Include context roles file - contains the context role definitions begin require File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "config", "cbac", "context_roles.rb") rescue MissingSourceFile puts "CBAC warning: Could not load config/cbac/context_roles.rb (Did you run ./script/generate cbac?)" end # ### Database autoload code else # This is the code that is executed if CBAc is not properly installed/ # configured. It includes a different authorize method, aimes at refusing # all authorizations def authorize render :text => "Authorization error", :status => 401 false end end end