# `mapsnatcher` `mapsnatcher` is a bot to automatically download and splice together tiles from QGIS maps. This simple system uses a URL such as `http://mapwebsite.com/z/x/y.png`, where `z` is the zoom level, and `x` and `y` are the coordinates of the tile. You can use a tool such as [ChromeCacheView](https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/chrome_cache_view.html) to find these URLs easily. ## Installation You will need ImageMagick and its development headers installed in order to build the dependencies. For Ubuntu these are: ```sudo apt-get install imagemagick libmagickwand-dev``` Once set up, install through RubyGems: ```gem install mapsnatcher``` To process larger maps, you may need to comment out or modify the resource policies in `/etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml`. ## Usage Usage is as follows: ```mapsnatcher http://mapwebsite.com/0/xxx/yyy.png``` Place `XXX` and `YYY` (case-insensitive) where the respective coordinate numbers would be in the URL. You will then be prompted to enter the X and Y boundaries that you would like to capture. ```mapsnatcher -b http://mapwebsite.com/0/xxx/yyy.png``` If you are unsure of the boundaries and would like to capture the entire map, add the `-b` argument and you will only need to enter one valid coordinate; `mapsnatcher` will do the rest. If you would like to save the tiles, add the `-s` argument. Coordinates can be passed into `mapsnatcher` as arguments: ```mapsnatcher http://mapwebsite.com/0/xxx/yyy.png -x 200-300 -y 200-250``` ```mapsnatcher http://mapwebsite.com/0/xxx/yyy.png -b -x 200 -y 200``` And the output file may be specified with `-o`: ```mapsnatcher http://mapwebsite.com/0/xxx/yyy.png -o map.jpg``` If coordinates and output are not specified, you will be prompted for them.