require 'beaker/hypervisor/vagrant' class Beaker::VagrantVirtualbox < Beaker::Vagrant def provision(provider = 'virtualbox') super end # Generate a VM customization string def self.vb_customize(command, args) " vb.customize ['#{command}', #{{|a| "'#{a.to_s}'"}.join(", ")}]\n" end # Generate a VM customization string for the current VM def self.vb_customize_vm(command, args) " vb.customize ['#{command}', :id, #{{|a| "'#{a.to_s}'"}.join(", ")}]\n" end def self.provider_vfile_section(host, options) provider_section = "" provider_section << " v.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|\n" provider_section << " vb.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--memory', '#{options['vagrant_memsize'] ||= '1024'}']\n" provider_section << " vb.vbguest.auto_update = false" if options[:vbguest_plugin] == 'disable' # Guest volume support # - Creates a new AHCI controller with the requisite number of ports, # the default controller is limited in its number of supported ports (2). # The AHCI emulation is generic enough for acceptance testing, and # presents the devices as SCSI devices in /sys/class/scsi_disk. # - Creates the defined volumes in beaker's temporary folder and attaches # them to the controller in order starting at port 0. This presents disks # as 2:0:0:0, 3:0:0:0 ... much like you'd see on commercial storage boxes if host['volumes'] provider_section << self.vb_customize_vm('storagectl', [ '--name', 'SATA Controller', '--add', 'sata', '--controller', 'IntelAHCI', '--portcount', host['volumes'].length ]) host['volumes'].keys.each_with_index do |volume, index| volume_path = "#{}-#{volume}.vdi" provider_section << self.vb_customize('createhd', [ '--filename', volume_path, '--size', host['volumes'][volume]['size'], ]) provider_section << self.vb_customize_vm('storageattach', [ '--storagectl', 'SATA Controller', '--port', index, '--device', 0, '--type', 'hdd', '--medium', volume_path, ]) end end if host['disk_path'] unless File.exist?(host['disk_path']) host['disk_path'] = File.join(host['disk_path'], "#{}.vmdk") provider_section << " vb.customize ['createhd', '--filename', '#{host['disk_path']}', '--size', #{host['disk_size'] ||= 5 * 1024}, '--format', 'vmdk']\n" end provider_section << " vb.customize ['storageattach', :id, '--storagectl', 'SATA Controller', '--port', 1, '--device', 0, '--type', 'hdd', '--medium','#{host['disk_path']}']\n" provider_section << " vb.customize [\"modifyvm\", :id, \"--natdnshostresolver1\", \"#{host['natdns']}\"]\n" unless host['natdns'].nil? provider_section << " vb.customize [\"modifyvm\", :id, \"--natdnsproxy1\", \"#{host['natdns']}\"]\n" unless host['natdns'].nil? provider_section << " vb.gui = true\n" unless host['vb_gui'].nil? provider_section << " [\"modifyvm\", :id, \"--cpuidset\", \"1\",\"000206a7\",\"02100800\",\"1fbae3bf\",\"bfebfbff\"\]" if /osx/i.match(host['platform']) end provider_section << " end\n" provider_section end end