class Subscription < ActiveRecord::Base has_statuses "active", "overdue", "suspended", "pending_cancel", "canceled" has_many :transactions has_many :payments has_one :contact_info belongs_to :plan belongs_to :downgrade_to_plan, :class_name => "Plan", :foreign_key => :downgrade_to_plan_id accepts_nested_attributes_for :contact_info has_many :billing_activities belongs_to :billable, :polymorphic => true has_one :credit_card accepts_nested_attributes_for :credit_card before_validation :set_status before_validation :set_credit_card_name before_create :set_status before_create :create_cim_profile before_create :create_payment_profile before_create :set_initial_balance after_rollback :delete_profile after_create :initial_bill after_create :send_subscription_created_email after_save :check_if_should_bill_for_upgrade, :on => :update validates_presence_of :plan, :message => "can't be blank" validates_associated :credit_card, :contact_info, :on => :create attr_accessible :plan_id, :contact_info_attributes, :credit_card_attributes, :billing_date, :status, :invoice, :invoiced_on, :balance, :plan, :downgrade_to_plan scope :active, where("status != ?", "canceled") scope :all_billable_subscriptions, lambda {|date| where("billing_date < ? and balance > 0.0", date.to_time) } scope :all_invoiceable, lambda {|date| #find all subscriptions not been invoiced within the last month where("billing_date <= ? and (invoiced_on > ? OR invoiced_on is null)", date + 5.days, (date - 1.months).to_time) } scope :all_paid, where("no_charge != ?", true) Plan::BILLING_PERIODS.each do |period| define_method "#{period.downcase}?" do plan.billing_period.downcase == period.downcase end end ContactInfo.column_names.each do |col| unless col.include? "id" define_method "#{col}" do contact_info.send(col) end end end class << self def find_and_bill_recurring_subscriptions #find_all_subscriptions need billing @billable_subscriptions = for subscription in @billable_subscriptions subscription.downgrade if subscription.downgrade_to_plan.present? begin subscription.bill!(subscription.balance) rescue subscription.billing_failed end end end def find_and_invoice_subscriptions @invoiceable_subscriptions = for subscription in @invoiceable_subscriptions subscription.invoice! end end end def downgrade self.plan = downgrade_to_plan self.downgrade_to_plan = nil self.balance = plan.price! end def downgrade_plan_to(plan_id) if self.update_attributes(:downgrade_to_plan => Plan.find(plan_id)) return true else return false end end def last_transaction_date @transaction = transactions.recent.first if @transaction.nil? "-" else @transaction.created_at.to_s(:month_day_year) end end def last_transaction_amount @transaction = transactions.recent.first if @transaction.nil? "-" else @transaction.amount end end def plan_name end def initial_bill if Saasaparilla::CONFIG["trial_period"] > 0 set_next_billing_date(Saasaparilla::CONFIG["trial_period"]) else bill! end end def bill!(bill_amount = nil) bill_amount ||= balance if charge_amount(bill_amount) set_next_billing_date set_status_active if balance == 0.0 send_billing_successful_email(bill_amount) return true end end def invoice! add_to_balance(plan.price) create_invoice self.update_attributes!(:invoiced_on => #if invoice_subscription # set_next_invoice_date() end def cancel set_canceled send_subscription_canceled_email end def reactivate! self.update_attributes(:billing_date => nil) self.balance = 0 add_to_balance(plan.price) bill! end def billing_failed set_status_overdue if billing_date == send_billing_failed_email end if billing_date == - Saasaparilla::CONFIG["grace_period"].days + 1 send_pending_cancellation_notice_email end if billing_date < - Saasaparilla::CONFIG["grace_period"].days cancel end end private def create_invoice @invoice = Invoice.create!(:subscription => self, :price => plan.price, :from => get_beginning_of_billing_cycle, :to => billing_date) end def get_beginning_of_billing_cycle if monthly? return billing_date - 1.months elsif annually? return billing_date - 1.years end end def set_next_billing_date(grace_period = 0) grace_period = grace_period - 1 if grace_period > 0 if monthly? if billing_date.nil? self.update_attributes(:billing_date => + 1.months + grace_period.months) else self.update_attributes(:billing_date => billing_date + 1.months) end elsif annually? if billing_date.nil? self.update_attributes(:billing_date => + 1.years + grace_period.months) else self.update_attributes(:billing_date => billing_date + 1.years) end end end def set_status_active self.update_attributes(:status => "active") if !active? end def set_canceled self.update_attributes(:status => "canceled") end def set_status_overdue unless overdue? self.overdue_on = end self.status = "overdue" end def add_to_balance(cost) self.increment!(:balance, cost) end def create_cim_profile #Login to the gateway using your credentials in environment.rb #setup the user object to save @profile = {:profile => profile} #send the create message to the gateway API response = ::GATEWAYCIM.create_customer_profile(@profile) if response.success? and response.authorization self.customer_cim_id = response.authorization return true else raise response.message return false end end def create_payment_profile unless customer_payment_profile_id.nil? return false end @profile = {:customer_profile_id => customer_cim_id, :payment_profile => {:bill_to => contact_info.to_hash, :payment => {:credit_card => credit_card.active_merchant_card} } } response = GATEWAYCIM.create_customer_payment_profile(@profile) "payment_response #{response.to_yaml}" if response.success? and response.params['customer_payment_profile_id'] self.customer_payment_profile_id = response.params['customer_payment_profile_id'] return true end raise response.message return false end def profile return {:merchant_customer_id =>, :email =>, :description => contact_info.full_name} end def set_status unless self.status.present? self.status = "active" end end def set_initial_balance self.balance = plan.price end def charge_amount(amount) response = GATEWAYCIM.create_customer_profile_transaction(:transaction => {:type => :auth_capture, :amount => amount, :customer_profile_id => customer_cim_id, :customer_payment_profile_id => customer_payment_profile_id}) transaction = self.transactions.create(:action => "purchase", :amount => amount, :response => response, :subscription => self) if response.success? self.update_attributes(:balance => balance - amount) return true else raise response.message return false end end def delete_profile if new_record? response = GATEWAYCIM::delete_customer_profile(:customer_profile_id => self.customer_cim_id) if customer_cim_id end end def check_if_should_bill_for_upgrade if plan_id_changed? && !new_record? && plan_id_was != nil old_plan_price = Plan.find(plan_id_was).price if !old_plan_price.nil? && old_plan_price < plan.price # Upgrade if billing_date <= + 5.days # For accounts w/ current invoice and close to renew date. Should recieve a few days free on new plan balance = plan.price old_plan_price = nil else # Pro-rate for account in the middle of billing cycle. Should recieve a credit. if monthly? time_to_credit = billing_date.to_time - percentage = time_to_credit / 1.month elsif yearly? time_to_credit = billing_date.to_time - percentage = time_to_credit / 1.year end credit = (old_plan_price * percentage).round(1) # debugger old_plan_price = nil @changed_attributes.clear add_to_balance(plan.price - credit) self.update_attributes(:billing_date => nil) bill! end end # Do nothing for downgrade. Plan won't change until next cycle. end end def set_credit_card_name self.credit_card.first_name = contact_info.first_name self.credit_card.last_name = contact_info.last_name end def send_subscription_created_email Saasaparilla::Notifier.subscription_created(self).deliver end def send_billing_successful_email(amount) Saasaparilla::Notifier.billing_successful(self, amount).deliver end def send_billing_failed_email Saasaparilla::Notifier.billing_failed(self).deliver end def send_pending_cancellation_notice_email Saasaparilla::Notifier.pending_cancellation_notice(self).deliver end def send_subscription_canceled_email Saasaparilla::Notifier.subscription_canceled(self).deliver end end