module Luggage class Mailbox include Enumerable attr_reader :connection, :name # This provides an interface to a remote Imap mailbox # # `connection` should be an authenticated Net::IMAP # # `name` is the name of the remote mailbox # def initialize(connection, name, &block) @connection = connection @name = name instance_eval &block if block_given? end # Constructs an Message whose mailbox will be set to this instance # # `args` will be passed to ImapFactorY::Message#new_local - see that method for details # def message(args = {}, &block) Message.new_local(connection, self, args, &block) end # Returns true if this mailbox exists on the remote server, false otherwise # def exists? return @exists if instance_variable_defined?(:@exists) @exists = !connection.list("", name).empty? end # Deletes this mailbox on the remote server # def delete! connection.delete(name) @exists = false end # Selects this mailbox for future Imap commands. # def select! end # Creates the mailbox on the remote server if it doesn't exist already # def save! unless exists? connection.create(name) end end # Removes 'deleted' messages on the remote server. Message#delete! marks # messages with the 'Deleted' flag, but leaves them on the server. This removes # them entirely # def expunge! select! connection.expunge() end # Returns an array of Message instances describing all emails in the remote mailbox # def all end # Returns a Message instance describing the first email on the remote mailbox # def first all.first end # Iterates over Mailbox#each # def each(&block) all.each(&block) end # Filters emails on the remote server # # Returns a MailboxQueryBuilder - see MailboxQueryBuilder#where for usage details # def where(*args) all.where(*args) end def inspect "#" end def host connection.instance_variable_get(:@host) end end end