using AIXM::Refinements module AIXM class Component # Approach lighting system (ALS) # # ===Cheat Sheet in Pseudo Code: # approach_lighting = AIXM.approach_lighting( # type: TYPES # ) # approach_lighting.length = AIXM.d or nil # approach_lighting.intensity = INTENSITIES or nil # approach_lighting.sequenced_flash = true or false or nil (means: unknown, default) # approach_lighting.flash_description = String or nil # approach_lighting.remarks = String or nil # # @see class ApproachLighting < Component include AIXM::Association include AIXM::Memoize TYPES = { A: :cat_1, B: :cat_2, C: :cat_3, D: :cat_2_and_3, E: :simple, F: :circling, G: :alignment, ALSAF: :high_intensity, MALS: :medium_intensity, MALSR: :medium_intensity_with_alignment, SALS: :short, SSALS: :simplified_short, SSALR: :simplified_short_with_alignment, LDIN: :lead_in, ODALS: :omni_directional, AFOVRN: :usaf_overrun, MILOVRN: :military_overrun, OTHER: :other # specify in remarks }.freeze INTENSITIES = { LIL: :low, LIM: :medium, LIH: :high, OTHER: :other # specify in remarks }.freeze # @!method approach_lightable # @return [AIXM::Component::Runway::Direction, AIXM::Component::FATO::Direction] approach lighted entity belongs_to :approach_lightable # @return [Symbol, nil] type of the approach lighting system (see {TYPES}) attr_reader :type # @return [AIXM::D, nil] length attr_reader :length # @return [Symbol, nil] intensity of lights (see {INTENSITIES}) attr_reader :intensity # @return [Boolean, nil] whether sequenced flash is available attr_reader :sequenced_flash # @return [String, nil] description of the flash sequence attr_reader :flash_description # @return [String, nil] free text remarks attr_reader :remarks def initialize(type:) self.type = type end # @return [String] def inspect %Q(#<#{self.class} type=#{type.inspect}>) end def type=(value) @type = TYPES.lookup(value.to_s.to_sym, nil) || fail(ArgumentError, "invalid type") end def length=(value) fail(ArgumentError, "invalid length") unless value.nil? || value.is_a?(AIXM::D) @length = value end def intensity=(value) @intensity = value.nil? ? nil : INTENSITIES.lookup(value.to_s.to_sym, nil) || fail(ArgumentError, "invalid intensity") end def sequenced_flash=(value) fail(ArgumentError, "invalid sequenced flash") unless [true, false, nil].include? value @sequenced_flash = value end def flash_description=(value) @flash_description = value&.to_s end def remarks=(value) @remarks = value&.to_s end # @return [String] UID markup def to_uid(as:) builder = 2) builder.tag!(as) do |tag| tag << approach_lightable.to_uid.indent(2) tag.codeType(TYPES.key(type).to_s) end end memoize :to_uid # @return [String] AIXM or OFMX markup def to_xml(as:) builder = 2) builder.tag!(as) do |tag| tag << to_uid(as: "#{as}Uid").indent(2) if length tag.valLen(length.dim.round) tag.uomLen(length.unit.to_s.upcase) end tag.codeIntst(INTENSITIES.key(intensity).to_s) if intensity tag.codeSequencedFlash(sequenced_flash ? 'Y' : 'N') unless sequenced_flash.nil? tag.txtDescrFlash(flash_description) if flash_description tag.txtRmk(remarks) if remarks end! end end end end