o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1364339933.0444548:@value"S˜{I"
class:EFI"ProcessedAsset; FI"logical_path; FI"wymeditor/prototypes.js; TI"
pathname; FI"Ž/Users/johanfrolich/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p327@refinerycms-menus/gems/refinerycms-core-2.0.9/app/assets/javascripts/wymeditor/prototypes.js.erb; TI"content_type; FI"application/javascript; FI"
mtime; FI"2013-02-04T15:34:04+01:00; FI"length; Fiv”I"digest; F"%23b3bc92ae08f288a561a2b0cd29d2faI"source; FI"v”/********** WYMeditor **********/
/* @name Wymeditor
* @description WYMeditor class
/* @name init
* @description Initializes a WYMeditor instance
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.init = function() {
//load subclass - browser specific
//unsupported browsers: do nothing
if ($.browser.msie) {
var WymClass = new WYMeditor.WymClassExplorer(this);
else if ($.browser.mozilla) {
var WymClass = new WYMeditor.WymClassMozilla(this);
else if ($.browser.opera) {
var WymClass = new WYMeditor.WymClassOpera(this);
else if ($.browser.webkit) {
var WymClass = new WYMeditor.WymClassSafari(this);
if(WymClass) {
if($.isFunction(this._options.preInit)) { this._options.preInit(this); }
var SaxListener = new WYMeditor.XhtmlSaxListener();
$.extend(SaxListener, WymClass);
this.parser = new WYMeditor.XhtmlParser(SaxListener);
if(this._options.styles || this._options.stylesheet){
this.helper = new WYMeditor.XmlHelper();
//extend the Wymeditor object
//don't use $.extend since 1.1.4
//$.extend(this, WymClass);
for (var prop in WymClass) { this[prop] = WymClass[prop]; }
//load wymbox
this._box = $(this._element).hide().after(this._options.boxHtml).next().addClass('wym_box_' + this._index);
//store the instance index in wymbox and element replaced by editor instance
//but keep it compatible with jQuery < 1.2.3, see #122
if( $.isFunction( $.fn.data ) ) {
$.data(this._box.get(0), WYMeditor.WYM_INDEX, this._index);
$.data(this._element.get(0), WYMeditor.WYM_INDEX, this._index);
var h = WYMeditor.Helper;
//construct the iframe
var iframeHtml = this._options.iframeHtml;
iframeHtml = h.replaceAll(iframeHtml, WYMeditor.INDEX, this._index);
iframeHtml = h.replaceAll(iframeHtml, WYMeditor.IFRAME_BASE_PATH, this._options.iframeBasePath);
//construct wymbox
var boxHtml = $(this._box).html();
boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.LOGO, this._options.logoHtml);
boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.TOOLS, this._options.toolsHtml);
boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.CONTAINERS,this._options.containersHtml);
boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.CLASSES, this._options.classesHtml);
boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.HTML, this._options.htmlHtml);
boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.IFRAME, iframeHtml);
boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.STATUS, this._options.statusHtml);
//construct tools list
var aTools = eval(this._options.toolsItems);
var sTools = "";
for(var i = 0; i < aTools.length; i++) {
var oTool = aTools[i];
if(oTool.name && oTool.title) {
var sTool = this._options.toolsItemHtml;
var sTool = h.replaceAll(sTool, WYMeditor.TOOL_NAME, oTool.name);
sTool = h.replaceAll(sTool, WYMeditor.TOOL_TITLE, this._options.stringDelimiterLeft
+ oTool.title
+ this._options.stringDelimiterRight);
sTool = h.replaceAll(sTool, WYMeditor.TOOL_CLASS, oTool.css);
sTools += sTool;
boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.TOOLS_ITEMS, sTools);
//construct classes list
var aClasses = eval(this._options.classesItems);
var sClasses = "";
for(var i = 0; i < aClasses.length; i++) {
var oClass = aClasses[i];
if(oClass.name) {
if (oClass.rules && oClass.rules.length > 0) {
var sRules = "";
var wym = this;
$.each(oClass.rules, function(index, rule) {
sClass = wym._options.classesItemHtml;
sClass = h.replaceAll(sClass, WYMeditor.CLASS_NAME, oClass.name + (oClass.join || "") + (rule.name || rule));
sClass = h.replaceAll(sClass, WYMeditor.CLASS_TITLE, rule.title || titleize(rule.name || rule));
sRules += sClass;
var sClassMultiple = this._options.classesItemHtmlMultiple;
sClassMultiple = h.replaceAll(sClassMultiple, WYMeditor.CLASS_TITLE, oClass.title || titleize(oClass.name));
sClassMultiple = h.replaceAll(sClassMultiple, '{classesItemHtml}', sRules);
sClasses += sClassMultiple;
else {
sClass = this._options.classesItemHtml;
sClass = h.replaceAll(sClass, WYMeditor.CLASS_NAME, oClass.name);
sClass = h.replaceAll(sClass, WYMeditor.CLASS_TITLE, oClass.title || titleize(oClass.name));
sClasses += sClass;
boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, ">"+WYMeditor.APPLY_CLASS+"<",
">" + this._options.stringDelimiterLeft
+ this._options.stringDelimiterRight + "<");
boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.CLASSES_ITEMS, sClasses);
//construct containers list
var aContainers = eval(this._options.containersItems);
var sContainers = "";
for(var i = 0; i < aContainers.length; i++) {
var oContainer = aContainers[i];
if(oContainer.name && oContainer.title) {
var sContainer = this._options.containersItemHtml;
sContainer = h.replaceAll(sContainer, WYMeditor.CONTAINER_NAME, oContainer.name);
sContainer = h.replaceAll(sContainer, WYMeditor.CONTAINER_TITLE,
+ oContainer.title
+ this._options.stringDelimiterRight);
sContainer = h.replaceAll(sContainer, WYMeditor.CONTAINER_CLASS, oContainer.css);
sContainers += sContainer;
boxHtml = h.replaceAll(boxHtml, WYMeditor.CONTAINERS_ITEMS, sContainers);
boxHtml = this.replaceStrings(boxHtml);
//load html in wymbox
//hide the html value
//enable the skin
// store which WYMeditor instance the element owns on the element.
$(this._element).data('wymeditor', this);
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.bindEvents = function() {
//copy the instance
var wym = this;
//handle click event on tools buttons
$(this._box).find(this._options.toolSelector).click(function() {
wym._iframe.contentWindow.focus(); //See #154
//handle click event on containers buttons
$(this._box).find(this._options.containerSelector).click(function() {
//handle keyup event on html value: set the editor value
//handle focus/blur events to check if the element has focus, see #147
.keyup(function() { $(wym._doc.body).html($(this).val());})
.focus(function() { $(this).toggleClass('hasfocus'); })
.blur(function() { $(this).toggleClass('hasfocus'); });
//handle click event on classes buttons
$(this._box).find(this._options.classSelector).bind('click', function(e) {
var aClasses = eval(wym._options.classesItems);
var sName = $(this).attr(WYMeditor.NAME);
var oClass = WYMeditor.Helper.findByName(aClasses, sName);
var replacers = $([]);
if (oClass == null) {
$.each(aClasses, function(index, classRule){
if (oClass == null && classRule.rules && classRule.rules.length > 0){
var ruleName = sName.replace(classRule.name + (classRule.join || ""), "");
var indexOf = null;
$.each(classRule.rules, function(i, rule) {
if (ruleName == (rule.name || rule)) {
indexOf = i;
} else {
replacers.push(classRule.name + (classRule.join || "") + (rule.name || rule));
if (indexOf != null) oClass = {expr: (classRule.rules[indexOf].expr || null)};
if(oClass) {
// remove all related classes.
replacers.each(function(index, removable_class){
wym.removeClass(removable_class, oClass.expr);
wym.toggleClass(sName, oClass.expr);
// now hide the menu
wym._iframe.contentWindow.focus(); //See #154
//handle event on update element
$(this._options.updateSelector).bind(this._options.updateEvent, function() {
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.ready = function() {
return(this._doc != null);
/********** METHODS **********/
/* @name box
* @description Returns the WYMeditor container
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.box = function() {
/* @name html
* @description Get/Set the html value
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.html = function(html) {
if(typeof html === 'string') {
} else {
/* @name intercept_paste
* @description Catch the browser paste action and open the appropriate dialog instead
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.intercept_paste = function(e) {
var wym = WYMeditor.INSTANCES[this.title];
if (e) {
/* @name xhtml
* @description Cleans up the HTML
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.xhtml = function() {
return this.parser.parse(this.html());
/* @name exec
* @description Executes a button command
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.exec = function(cmd) {
//base function for execCommand
//open a dialog or exec
switch(cmd) {
case WYMeditor.CREATE_LINK:
if((container = this.container()) || this._selected_image) {
case WYMeditor.INSERT_IMAGE:
case WYMeditor.INSERT_TABLE:
case WYMeditor.PASTE:
case WYMeditor.TOGGLE_HTML:
//partially fixes #121 when the user manually inserts an image
//if(!$(this._box).find(this._options.htmlSelector).is(':visible')) {
// this.listen();
case WYMeditor.PREVIEW:
case WYMeditor.APPLY_CLASS:
wym = this;
// determine whether any classes are already selected and add the enabled class to them.
$(wym._box).find(this._options.classUnhiddenSelector).find("a[name]").each(function(index, rule){
if ($(wym.selected()).hasClass($(rule).attr('name'))) {
} else {
/* @name container
* @description Get/Set the selected container
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.container = function(sType) {
if(sType) {
var container = null;
if(sType.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.TH) {
container = this.container();
//find the TD or TH container
switch(container.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
case WYMeditor.TD: case WYMeditor.TH:
var aTypes = new Array(WYMeditor.TD,WYMeditor.TH);
container = this.findUp(this.container(), aTypes);
//if it exists, switch
if(container!=null) {
sType = (container.tagName.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.TD)? WYMeditor.TH: WYMeditor.TD;
} else {
//set the container type
var aTypes=new Array(WYMeditor.P,WYMeditor.H1,WYMeditor.H2,WYMeditor.H3,WYMeditor.H4,WYMeditor.H5,
container = this.findUp(this.container(), aTypes);
if(container) {
var newNode = null;
//blockquotes must contain a block level element
if(sType.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.BLOCKQUOTE) {
var blockquote = this.findUp(this.container(), WYMeditor.BLOCKQUOTE);
if(blockquote == null) {
newNode = this._doc.createElement(sType);
} else {
var nodes = blockquote.childNodes;
var lgt = nodes.length;
var firstNode = null;
if(lgt > 0) { firstNode = nodes.item(0); }
for(var x=0; x " + contentAfterBreak + "
tag that appears when empty.
html = html.replace(/^
$/, '')
// apply changes/
$(wym._box).find(wym._options.htmlValSelector).not('.hasfocus').val(html); //#147
/* @name dialog
* @description Opens a dialog box
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.dialog = function( dialogType ) {
var wym = this;
var path = this._wym._options.dialogPath + dialogType + '?wymeditor=true&' + window.location.href.match(/switch_locale=[a-z]{2}/);
wym._current_unique_stamp = wym.uniqueStamp();
// change undo or redo on cancel to true to have this happen when a user closes (cancels) a dialogue
wym._undo_on_cancel = false;
wym._redo_on_cancel = false;
var selected = this.selected();
//set to P if parent = BODY unless it's a table going in there.
if (dialogType != WYMeditor.DIALOG_TABLE) {
if (dialogType == WYMeditor.DIALOG_LINK && $.browser.mozilla) {
selection = wym._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();
matches = $($(selected).html().match(new RegExp(RegExp.escape(selection.anchorNode.textContent) + "(.*)" + RegExp.escape(selection.focusNode.textContent))));
if (matches != null && matches.length > 0 && (possible_anchor_tag = matches.last()).length > 0)
if (((href_matches = possible_anchor_tag.get(0).match(/href="([^"]*)"/)) != null) && (href = $(href_matches).last().get(0)) != null)
$(wym._doc).find('a').each(function(index, possible_match)
if ($(possible_match).html() == selection)
selected = possible_match;
ajax_loaded_callback = function(){wym.dialog_ajax_callback(selected);};
var parent_node = wym._selected_image ? wym._selected_image.parentNode : selected;
if (typeof(parent_node) != 'undefined' && parent_node !== null) {
if (parent_node.tagName.toLowerCase() != WYMeditor.A) {
// wrap the current selection with a funky span.
if (wym._selected_image == null)
if (selected != null && selected.tagName.toLowerCase() != WYMeditor.A && wym._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection) {
// Fixes webkit issue where it would not paste at cursor.
selection = wym._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();
if (selection.focusNode.insertData) {
// if you highlight backwards, it reverses the order of the anchorNode and focusNode / anchorOffset and focusOffset.
// anchorOffset is where you started the selection, focusOffset is where you ended the selection.
// So, if you highlight forwards then {anchorOffset}some text{focusOffset}
// But, if you highlight backwards then {focusOffset}some text{anchorOffset}
if (selection.anchorOffset > selection.focusOffset) {
start_node = selection.focusNode;
start = selection.focusOffset;
end_node = selection.anchorNode;
end = selection.anchorOffset;
} else {
start_node = selection.anchorNode;
start = selection.anchorOffset;
end_node = selection.focusNode;
end = selection.focusOffset;
// for https://github.com/refinery/refinerycms/issues/581
if (typeof (start_node.insertData) === 'undefined') {
var j = start_node.childNodes.length - 1,
tmp_start_node = start_node;
// @todo what then if function insertData is not found?
while (typeof(end_node.insertData) !== 'function' || !j) {
start_node = tmp_start_node.childNodes[j--];
start = 0;
if (typeof (end_node.insertData) === 'undefined') {
var i = end_node.childNodes.length - 1,
tmp_end_node = end_node;
while (typeof(end_node.insertData) !== 'function' || !i) {
end_node = tmp_end_node.childNodes[i--];
end = end_node.length;
// because .insertData only inserts text, we have to insert some 'meaningful' *text* only interpolation tags (no html).
start_tag = '%%' + wym._current_unique_stamp + '%%';
end_tag = '$$' + wym._current_unique_stamp + '$$';
// sometimes we may be crossing multiple "nodes" so a simple test for whether this is the case.
// this is important, see this example:
// some text with some link and then more text
// {start_node}some text {end_start_node}{anotherNode}with some link{end_anotherNode}{end_node} and then more text{end_end_node}
// the "start_node" is a separate node to the end node and therefore we can't treat them as one long node anymore.
if (start_node === end_node) {
end = end + start_tag.length;
// Insert the 'meaningful' text interpolation tags.
start_node.insertData(start, start_tag);
end_node.insertData(end, end_tag);
// Now that we can use HTML again, replace the simple text with a span tag.
$(selected).html($(selected).html().replace(start_tag, "")
.replace(end_tag, ""));
} else {
wym.wrap("", "");
} else {
wym.wrap("", "");
else {
if (!wym._selected_image) {
parent_node._id_before_replaceable = parent_node.id;
parent_node.id = '' + this._current_unique_stamp;
$(parent_node).attr("_id_before_replaceable", parent_node._id_before_replaceable);
if (dialogType != WYMeditor.DIALOG_PASTE && dialogType != WYMeditor.DIALOG_TABLE) {
path += path.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&";
port = (window.location.port.length > 0 ? (":" + window.location.port) : "");
path += "current_link=" + parent_node.href.replace(window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + port, "");
path += "&target_blank=" + (parent_node.target == "_blank" ? "true" : "false");
// launch dialog
dialog_title = wym.replaceStrings(wym.encloseString( dialogType ));
dialog_container = $("");
switch(dialogType) {
case WYMeditor.DIALOG_TABLE:
// create and open dialog
.dialog($.extend(wym._options.dialogInlineFeatures, {
title: dialog_title
case WYMeditor.DIALOG_PASTE:
.dialog($.extend(wym._options.dialogInlineFeatures, {
title: dialog_title
dialog_container.dialog($.extend(wym._options.dialogFeatures, {
title: dialog_title
})).load(path, ajax_loaded_callback);
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.dialog_ajax_callback = function(selected) {
// set variables
wym = this; _selected = selected;
// now fix the height;
$("#" + wym._options.dialogId + ".editor_dialog").css('height', 'auto');
// add corners to the buttons.
$('#' + wym._options.dialogId + " .button").corner('6px');
// look for iframes
(iframes = $("#" + this._options.dialogId).find('iframe')).load(function() {
WYMeditor.INIT_DIALOG(wym, _selected, true);
if (iframes.length == 0) {
WYMeditor.INIT_DIALOG(this, selected);
/* @name toggleHtml
* @description Shows/Hides the HTML
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.toggleHtml = function() {
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.uniqueStamp = function() {
return("wym-" + new Date().getTime());
WYMeditor.editor.prototype.paste = function(sData) {
wym = this;
var sTmp;
replaceable = $(wym._doc.body).find('#' + wym._current_unique_stamp);
// replaceable doesn't actually get replaced here, it's just used as a marker for where the cursor was.
container = replaceable.get(0) || this.selected();
//split the data, using double newlines as the separator
var aP = sData.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").split(wym._newLine + wym._newLine);
var rExp = new RegExp(wym._newLine, "g");
//add a P for each item
if(container && container.tagName.toLowerCase() != WYMeditor.BODY) {
contentAfterBreak = "";
insertedContentAfterBreak = "";
for(x = aP.length - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
//simple newlines are replaced by a break
sTmp = aP[x].replace(rExp, "
if (x == 0) {
// if we're inside a p tag but the container is not a p tag
// then we need to close the p tag first before starting a new one.
// Only if we placed more items after it (aP.length)
if (aP.length > 1
&& $(container).get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() == "span"
&& $(container).attr('id') == ('' + wym._current_unique_stamp)
&& $(container).parent().get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() == "p")
p = $(container).parent();
matches = p.html().match(new RegExp("([\\s\\S]*)\.*\<\/span\>"));
sTmp = matches[1] + sTmp + $(container).html();
if (insertedContentAfterBreak != null && insertedContentAfterBreak.length > 0) {
if (contentAfterBreak != null && contentAfterBreak.length > 0) {
if ((last_paste = p.parent().find('p#last_paste')).length == 1) {
last_paste.attr('id', null).html(last_paste.html() + contentAfterBreak);
} else {
$/, '') + sTmp);
} else {
if ((aP.length -1) == x) {
var rgx = $(container).parent().html().match(new RegExp("\.*\<\/span\>([\\s\\S]*)"));
if(rgx && rgx[1]){
contentAfterBreak = rgx[1].split('
" + sTmp + "
"; } else { sTmp = "" + sTmp + "
"; } if (insertedContentAfterBreak == "") { insertedContentAfterBreak = insertedContentAfterBreak + sTmp; } else { insertedContentAfterBreak = sTmp + insertedContentAfterBreak; } } } } else { for(x = 0; x < aP.length; x++) { sTmp = aP[x]; //simple newlines are replaced by a break sTmp = sTmp.replace(rExp, "" + sTmp + "
"); } } } if (replaceable.get(0) != null) { // set the id of the container back. if (replaceable.get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span') { replaceable.replaceWith(replaceable.html()); } replaceable.attr('id', replaceable.get(0)._id_before_replaceable || null); } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.insert = function(html) { // Do we have a selection? if (this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection().focusNode != null) { // Overwrite selection with provided html this._exec(WYMeditor.INSERT_HTML, html); } else { // Fall back to the internal paste function if there's no selection this.paste(html); } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.wrap = function(left, right, selection) { left = (typeof(left) != 'undefined' ? left : ''); right = (typeof(right) != 'undefined' ? right : ''); // Do we have a selection? if (selection == null) { selection = this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();} if (selection.focusNode != null) { // Wrap selection with provided html this._exec( WYMeditor.INSERT_HTML, left + selection.toString() + right); } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.unwrap = function(selection) { // Do we have a selection? if (selection == null) { selection = this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection();} if (selection.focusNode != null) { // Unwrap selection this._exec( WYMeditor.INSERT_HTML, selection.toString() ); } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.setFocusToNode = function(node, toStart) { var range = this._doc.createRange(), selection = this._iframe.contentWindow.getSelection(); toStart = toStart ? 0 : 1; range.selectNodeContents(node); selection.addRange(range); selection.collapse(node, toStart); this._iframe.contentWindow.focus(); }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.addCssRules = function(doc, aCss) { var styles = doc.styleSheets[0]; if(styles) { for(var i = 0; i < aCss.length; i++) { var oCss = aCss[i]; if(oCss.name && oCss.css) { this.addCssRule(styles, oCss); } } } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.format_block = function(selected) { //'this' should be the wymeditor instance. var wym = this; var container = selected || wym.selected() || $(wym._iframe).contents().find('body').get(0); var name = container.tagName.toLowerCase(); //fix forbidden main containers if($.inArray(name, ['strong', 'b', 'em', 'i', 'sub', 'sup', 'a']) > -1) { name = container.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase(); } if(name == WYMeditor.BODY) { wym._selected_image = null; $(wym._iframe).contents().find('.selected_by_wym').removeClass('selected_by_wym'); wym._exec(WYMeditor.FORMAT_BLOCK, WYMeditor.P); } }; /********** CONFIGURATION **********/ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.computeBasePath = function() { if ((script_path = this.computeWymPath()) != null) { if ((src_parts = script_path.split('/')).length > 1) { src_parts.pop(); } return src_parts.join('/') + "/"; } else { return null; } }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.computeWymPath = function() { return $('script[src*=jquery.refinery.wymeditor]').attr('src'); }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.computeJqueryPath = function() { return $($.grep($('script'), function(s){ return (s.src && s.src.match(/jquery(-(.*)){0,1}(\.pack|\.min|\.packed)?\.js(\?.*)?$/ )) })).attr('src'); }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.computeCssPath = function() { return $($.grep($('link'), function(s){ return (s.href && s.href.match(/wymeditor\/skins\/(.*)screen\.css(\?.*)?$/ )) })).attr('href'); }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.configureEditorUsingRawCss = function() { var CssParser = new WYMeditor.WymCssParser(); if(this._options.stylesheet){ CssParser.parse($.ajax({url: this._options.stylesheet,async:false}).responseText); }else{ CssParser.parse(this._options.styles, false); } if(this._options.classesItems.length == 0) { this._options.classesItems = CssParser.css_settings.classesItems; } if(this._options.editorStyles.length == 0) { this._options.editorStyles = CssParser.css_settings.editorStyles; } if(this._options.dialogStyles.length == 0) { this._options.dialogStyles = CssParser.css_settings.dialogStyles; } }; /********** EVENTS **********/ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.listen = function() { //don't use $.find() on the iframe body //because of MSIE + jQuery + expando issue (#JQ1143) //$(this._doc.body).find("*").bind("mouseup", this.mouseup); $(this._doc.body).bind("mousedown", this.mousedown); var images = this._doc.body.getElementsByTagName("img"); for(var i=0; i < images.length; i++) { $(images[i]).bind("mousedown", this.mousedown); } // ensure links can't be navigated to. $(this._doc).find('a[href]').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); }; WYMeditor.editor.prototype.mousedown = function(e) { var wym = WYMeditor.INSTANCES[this.ownerDocument.title]; wym._selected_image = (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() == WYMeditor.IMG) ? e.target : null; $(wym._iframe).contents().find('.selected_by_wym').removeClass('selected_by_wym'); if (!$.browser.mozilla) { $(wym._selected_image).addClass('selected_by_wym'); } if (!$.browser.webkit) { e.stopPropagation(); } }; /********** SKINS **********/ /* * Function: WYMeditor.editor.loadSkin * Loads the skin CSS and initialization script (if needed). */ WYMeditor.editor.prototype.loadSkin = function() { //does the user want to automatically load the CSS (default: yes)? //we also test if it hasn't been already loaded by another instance //see below for a better (second) test if(this._options.loadSkin && !WYMeditor.SKINS[this._options.skin]) { //check if it hasn't been already loaded //so we don't load it more than once //(we check the existing elements) var found = false; var rExp = new RegExp(this._options.skin + '\/' + WYMeditor.SKINS_DEFAULT_CSS + '([\?].+?)?$'); $('link').each( function() { if(this.href.match(rExp)) found = true; }); // if not found, load it, using the skin path if(!found) { WYMeditor.loadCss( this._options.cssCompiledSkinPath + WYMeditor.SKINS_DEFAULT_CSS ); } } //put the classname (ex. wym_skin_default) on wym_box $(this._box).addClass( "wym_skin_" + this._options.skin ); //does the user want to use some JS to initialize the skin (default: yes)? //also check if it hasn't already been loaded by another instance if(this._options.initSkin && !WYMeditor.SKINS[this._options.skin]) { eval($.ajax({url:this._options.jsCompiledSkinPath + WYMeditor.SKINS_DEFAULT_JS, async:false}).responseText); } //init the skin, if needed if(WYMeditor.SKINS[this._options.skin] && WYMeditor.SKINS[this._options.skin].init) { WYMeditor.SKINS[this._options.skin].init(this); } }; ; FI"dependency_digest; F"%7dfc96ac6c9e60ee0902822f50c3a700I"required_paths; F[I"Ž/Users/johanfrolich/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p327@refinerycms-menus/gems/refinerycms-core-2.0.9/app/assets/javascripts/wymeditor/prototypes.js.erb; TI"dependency_paths; F[{I" path; FI"Ž/Users/johanfrolich/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p327@refinerycms-menus/gems/refinerycms-core-2.0.9/app/assets/javascripts/wymeditor/prototypes.js.erb; TI" mtime; FI"2013-02-04T15:34:04+01:00; FI"digest; F"%0175181c315063947a6ea24bddf50556I" _version; F"%ffd318ca8b794f42f5029101c2cf5d91