module Compressible module Writable def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # called if you gave it a config def compress(value = nil) configure(value) if value raise "set config to yaml file or run 'Compressible.js' or 'Compressible.css' manually" unless @config [:js, :css].each do |k| config[k].each do |item| compress_from_hash(k, item) end end end def compress_from_hash(k, v) args = v.dup.delete(:paths) + [v] self.send(k, *args) end # figure out how to do alias_method_chain or something # otherwise the modules are tightly coupled def write_javascript(*args, &block) paths = args.dup.flatten options = paths.extract_options! options[:to] = asset_name(options[:to]) options[:munge] = options.has_key?(:munge) ? options[:munge] : true paths << options process(:javascript, *paths, &block) end def write_stylesheet(*args, &block) paths = args.dup.flatten options = paths.extract_options! options[:to] = asset_name(options[:to]) paths << options process(:stylesheet, *paths, &block) end def process(type, *paths, &block) require 'yui/compressor' unless defined?(::YUI) options = paths.extract_options! to = options[:to] raise 'must define result file name via :to => name' unless to compressor = compressor_for(type, options) paths = localize(to, type, *paths) start_size = size(type, * compressed = paths.collect do |path, print_path| puts "Compressing '#{print_path}'... (#{size(type, path)})" result = compressor.compress(read(type, path)) next if result.blank? result = yield(path, result).to_s if block_given? result end.join("") write(type, to, compressed) destroy(*paths) end_size = size(type, to) puts "Compressed to '#{to.to_s}' (#{end_size} from #{start_size})" compressed end def compressor_for(type, options = {}) { :javascript => YUI::JavaScriptCompressor, :stylesheet => YUI::CssCompressor }[type].new(options.reject {|k,v| k.to_s !~ /(munge|charset|linebreak|optimize|preserve_semicolons)/}) end def write(type, to, result), to), "w") {|f| f.puts result} end def localize(to, type, *paths) FileUtils.mkdir_p(to) unless File.exists?(to) local_paths = do |path| if remote?(path) local = File.join(to, File.basename(path)), "w+") do |file| begin file.puts read(type, path) rescue Exception => e paths.delete(path) puts "#{e.message}: #{path}" end end [local, path] else [path, path] end end end def remote_path(domain, path, asset) # full if asset =~ /^http(?:s)?:\/\// asset # absolute elsif asset =~ /^\// asset = "#{domain}#{asset}" # relative else asset = "#{domain}#{path}/#{asset}" end end # returns css and javascripts {:js => [], :css => []} # requires nokogiri def scrape(page) require 'nokogiri' url = URI.parse(page) domain = "#{url.scheme}://#{}" domain << ":#{url.port.to_s}" path = url.path.squeeze("/") html = Nokogiri::HTML(open(page).read) scripts = [] html.css("script").each do |script| next if script["src"].blank? scripts << remote_path(domain, path, script["src"]) end csses = [] html.css("link[rel=stylesheet]").each do |css| next if css["href"].blank? csses << remote_path(domain, path, css["href"]) end {:js => scripts, :css => csses} end def destroy(*paths) paths.each do |path, print_path| if path != print_path File.delete(path) if File.exists?(path) end end end end end end