module SimpleAttachments module ViewHelpers # Create +div+ with attachments. # # Allowed +options+ # # [:text] Text in the add button. [nil] # [:id] Main div id. [nil] # [:can_destroy] Show destroy link. [true] # [:can_create] Show add button. [true] # [:readonly] Sets default values for :can_destroy and :can_create. [false] # [:destroy_remote] Destroy the attachment on the server after clicking the destroy link. [true] # [:auto_associate] Associate uploaded file with container at once. Also sets default value for :destroy_remote. [true] # # You can also specify any other options and then access them from JavaScript code. def self.helper(type, template, object, object_name, method, options) text = options.delete :text id = options.delete :id options[:readonly] = false if options[:readonly].nil? options[:can_destroy] ||= !options[:readonly] options[:can_create] ||= !options[:readonly] options.delete :readonly options[:auto_associate] ||= true if options[:auto_associate].nil? container_id = (options[:auto_associate] ? : nil) options[:destroy_remote] ||= options[:auto_associate] options.delete :auto_associate attached = object.send(method) if attached.is_a? Array attached ={|a| a.serializable_hash} else attached = attached.serializable_hash unless attached.nil? end attachments_path = template.send object.class.reflections[method].class_name.pluralize.underscore.concat('_path') template.content_tag(:div, template.content_tag(:div, text, :class => 'simple_attachments_add_file_div'), :class => "simple_attachments_div simple_attachments_#{type}_div", :id => id, :data => {:container_model => object_name, :container_id => container_id, :method => method, :attachments_path => attachments_path, :attached => attached.to_json, :options => options.to_json } ) end module FormHelper def file(method, options={}) helper(:singleton, method, options) end def files(method, options={}) helper(:multiple, method, options) end private def helper(type, method, options) # :nodoc: ViewHelpers.helper(type, @template, object, object_name, method, options) end end module TagHelper def file_tag(object, method, options={}) helper(:singleton, object, method, options) end def files_tag(object, method, options={}) helper(:multiple, object, method, options) end private def helper(type, object, method, options) # :nodoc: ViewHelpers.helper(type, self, object, object.class.to_s.underscore, method, options) end end end end module ActionView # :nodoc: Helpers::FormBuilder.send :include, SimpleAttachments::ViewHelpers::FormHelper Base.send :include, SimpleAttachments::ViewHelpers::TagHelper end