#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/test_ca' require 'puppet/certificate_factory' describe Puppet::CertificateFactory, :unless => RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' do let :serial do OpenSSL::BN.new('12') end let :name do "example.local" end let :x509_name do OpenSSL::X509::Name.new([['CN', name]]) end let :key do Puppet::SSL::Key.new(name).generate end let :csr do csr = Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest.new(name) csr.generate(key) csr end let(:issuer) { Puppet::TestCa.new.ca_cert } describe "when generating the certificate" do it "should return a new X509 certificate" do a = subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial) b = subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial) # The two instances are equal in every aspect except that they are # different instances - they are `==`, but not hash `eql?` expect(a).not_to eql(b) end it "should set the certificate's version to 2" do expect(subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial).version).to eq(2) end it "should set the certificate's subject to the CSR's subject" do cert = subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial) expect(cert.subject).to eq x509_name end it "should set the certificate's issuer to the Issuer's subject" do cert = subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial) expect(cert.issuer).to eq issuer.subject end it "should set the certificate's public key to the CSR's public key" do cert = subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial) expect(cert.public_key).to be_public expect(cert.public_key.to_s).to eq(csr.content.public_key.to_s) end it "should set the certificate's serial number to the provided serial number" do cert = subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial) expect(cert.serial).to eq(serial) end it "should have 24 hours grace on the start of the cert" do cert = subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial) expect(cert.not_before).to be_within(30).of(Time.now - 24*60*60) end it "should not allow a non-integer TTL" do [ 'foo', 1.2, Time.now, true ].each do |ttl| expect { subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial, ttl) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end it "should respect a custom TTL for the CA" do now = Time.now.utc Time.expects(:now).at_least_once.returns(now) cert = subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial, 12) expect(cert.not_after.to_i).to eq(now.to_i + 12) end it "should adds an extension for the nsComment" do cert = subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial) expect(cert.extensions.map {|x| x.to_h }.find {|x| x["oid"] == "nsComment" }).to eq( { "oid" => "nsComment", # Note that this output is due to a bug in OpenSSL::X509::Extensions # where the values of some extensions are not properly decoded "value" => ".(Puppet Ruby/OpenSSL Internal Certificate", "critical" => false } ) end it "should add an extension for the subjectKeyIdentifer" do cert = subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial) ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new(issuer, cert) expect(cert.extensions.map { |x| x.to_h }.find {|x| x["oid"] == "subjectKeyIdentifier" }).to eq( ef.create_extension("subjectKeyIdentifier", "hash", false).to_h ) end it "should add an extension for the authorityKeyIdentifer" do cert = subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial) ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new(issuer, cert) expect(cert.extensions.map { |x| x.to_h }.find {|x| x["oid"] == "authorityKeyIdentifier" }).to eq( ef.create_extension("authorityKeyIdentifier", "keyid:always", false).to_h ) end # See #2848 for why we are doing this: we need to make sure that # subjectAltName is set if the CSR has it, but *not* if it is set when the # certificate is built! it "should not add subjectAltNames from dns_alt_names" do Puppet[:dns_alt_names] = 'one, two' # Verify the CSR still has no extReq, just in case... expect(csr.request_extensions).to eq([]) cert = subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial) expect(cert.extensions.find {|x| x.oid == 'subjectAltName' }).to be_nil end it "should add subjectAltName when the CSR requests them" do Puppet[:dns_alt_names] = '' expect = %w{one two} + [name] csr = Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest.new(name) csr.generate(key, :dns_alt_names => expect.join(', ')) expect(csr.request_extensions).not_to be_nil expect(csr.subject_alt_names).to match_array(expect.map{|x| "DNS:#{x}"}) cert = subject.build(:server, csr, issuer, serial) san = cert.extensions.find {|x| x.oid == 'subjectAltName' } expect(san).not_to be_nil expect.each do |name| expect(san.value).to match(/DNS:#{name}\b/i) end end it "can add custom extension requests" do csr = Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest.new(name) csr.generate(key) csr.stubs(:request_extensions).returns([ {'oid' => '', 'value' => 'some-value'}, {'oid' => 'pp_uuid', 'value' => 'some-uuid'}, ]) cert = subject.build(:client, csr, issuer, serial) # The cert must be signed before being later DER-decoding signer = Puppet::SSL::CertificateSigner.new signer.sign(cert, key) wrapped_cert = Puppet::SSL::Certificate.from_instance cert priv_ext = wrapped_cert.custom_extensions.find {|ext| ext['oid'] == ''} uuid_ext = wrapped_cert.custom_extensions.find {|ext| ext['oid'] == 'pp_uuid'} # The expected results should be DER encoded, the Puppet cert wrapper will turn # these into normal strings. expect(priv_ext['value']).to eq 'some-value' expect(uuid_ext['value']).to eq 'some-uuid' end # Can't check the CA here, since that requires way more infrastructure # that I want to build up at this time. We can verify the critical # values, though, which are non-CA certs. --daniel 2011-10-11 { :ca => 'CA:TRUE', :terminalsubca => ['CA:TRUE', 'pathlen:0'], :server => 'CA:FALSE', :ocsp => 'CA:FALSE', :client => 'CA:FALSE', }.each do |name, value| it "should set basicConstraints for #{name} #{value.inspect}" do cert = subject.build(name, csr, issuer, serial) bc = cert.extensions.find {|x| x.oid == 'basicConstraints' } expect(bc).to be expect(bc.value.split(/\s*,\s*/)).to match_array(Array(value)) end end end end