################################################################################## # RBCli -- A framework for developing command line applications in Ruby # # Copyright (C) 2018 Andrew Khoury # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # # For questions regarding licensing, please contact andrew@blacknex.us # ################################################################################## module Rbcli::CmdLibrary def self.extended klass klass.instance_variable_set :@commands, {} end def inherited subklass subklass.instance_variable_set :@data, { description: nil, usage: nil, action: nil, paramlist: {}, remote_permitted: false } @commands[subklass.name.downcase] = subklass.new end def data; self.instance_variable_get :@data; end def commands @commands end end class Rbcli::Command #include InheritableTraits #traits :description extend Rbcli::CmdLibrary def data; self.class.data; end ## # Interface Functions ## def self.description desc; @data[:description] = desc; end def self.usage usage; @data[:usage] = usage; end def self.action █ @data[:action] = block; end def self.remote_permitted; @data[:remote_permitted] = true; end def self.remote_permitted?; @data[:remote_permitted]; end def self.config_defaults filename; Rbcli::Config::add_defaults(filename); end def self.config_default *params; Rbcli::Config::add_default *params; end def self.parameter name, description, short: nil, type: :boolean, default: nil, required: false, permitted: nil, prompt: nil default ||= false if (type == :boolean || type == :bool || type == :flag) @data[:paramlist][name.to_sym] = { description: description, type: type, default: default, required: required, permitted: permitted, short: short, prompt: prompt } end def self.extern path: nil, envvars: nil, &block if path == :default callerscript = caller_locations.first.absolute_path path = "#{File.dirname(callerscript)}/scripts/#{File.basename(callerscript, ".*")}.sh" end block = nil unless block_given? require 'rbcli/features/scriptwrapper' @data[:extern] = Rbcli::Scriptwrapper.new path, envvars, block end def self.script path: nil, envvars: nil if path == :default or path.nil? callerscript = caller_locations.first.absolute_path path = "#{File.dirname(callerscript)}/scripts/#{File.basename(callerscript, ".*")}.sh" end require 'rbcli/features/scriptwrapper' @data[:script] = Rbcli::Scriptwrapper.new path, envvars, nil, true end ## # END Interface Functions ## ## # Run a given command ## def self.runcmd cmd, local_params, cliopts args = local_params.delete :args params = local_params global_opts = cliopts config = Rbcli::config raise Exception.new("Command #{cmd} can only have one of `action`, `script`, or `extern` defined.") if (@commands[cmd].data[:extern] or @commands[cmd].data[:script]) and @commands[cmd].data[:action] if cliopts[:remote_exec] Rbcli::RemoteExec.new(@commands[cmd], cliopts[:remote_exec], cliopts[:identity], params, args, global_opts, config).run #remote_exec @commands[cmd], params, args, global_opts, config return end @commands[cmd].data[:extern].execute params, args, global_opts, config unless @commands[cmd].data[:extern].nil? @commands[cmd].data[:script].execute params, args, global_opts, config unless @commands[cmd].data[:script].nil? @commands[cmd].data[:action].call params, args, global_opts, config unless @commands[cmd].data[:action].nil? end ## # Returns all descriptions for display in CLI help ## def self.descriptions indent_size, justification #descmap = @commands.map { |name, klass| [name, klass.description] }.to_h @commands.map do |name, cmdobj| desc = '' if Rbcli.configuration(:me, :remote_execution) and cmdobj.remote_permitted? indent_size -= 3 indent_size.times { desc << ' ' } desc << '* ' else indent_size.times { desc << ' ' } end desc << name.ljust(justification) desc << cmdobj.class.data[:description] end.join("\n") end ## # This method reads the parameters provided by the class and parses them from the CLI ## def self.parseopts *args params = @data[:paramlist] command_name = self.name.split('::')[-1].downcase command_desc = @data[:description] command_usage = @data[:usage] optx = Trollop::options do data = Rbcli.configuration(:me) banner <<-EOS #{data[:description]} Selected Command: #{command_name.ljust(21)}#{command_desc} Usage: #{data[:scriptname]} [options] #{command_name} [parameters] #{if command_usage then "\n" + command_usage + "\n" end} Command-specific Parameters: EOS params.each do |name, opts| opt name, opts[:description], type: opts[:type], default: opts[:default], required: (opts[:prompt].nil? and opts[:required]), permitted: opts[:permitted], short: opts[:short] end if params.is_a? Hash end optx[:args] = ARGV params.each do |name, data| given_symbol = (name.to_s + '_given').to_sym if data[:prompt] and not (optx.key?(given_symbol) and optx[given_symbol]) if data[:type] == :bool or data[:type] == :boolean or data[:type] == :flag answer = 'INVALID_STRING' while answer.downcase != 'y' and answer.downcase != 'n' and answer.downcase != '' print 'Invalid entry. '.red unless answer == 'INVALID_STRING' print data[:prompt] + " (#{(data[:default]) ? 'Y/n' : 'y/N'}): " answer = gets.chomp if answer.downcase == 'y' optx[name] = true elsif answer.downcase == 'n' optx[name] = false elsif answer.downcase == '' optx[name] = data[:default] end end elsif data[:type] == :string print data[:prompt] + " (default: \"#{data[:default]}\"): " answer = gets.chomp answer = data[:default] if answer.empty? optx[name] = answer end end end optx end #### ### DEPRECATED #### # Now we automatically pull in the plugins and register them as commands. # Note that filenames must be the same as the class name and are case # sensitive. Only one class per file. ## # This is commented out as this functionality is deprecated. Instead we rely on subclassing to # add the commands. ### # Dir.glob("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/commands/*.rb") do |f| # Rbcli::log.debug {"Loading CLI command #{f.split('commands/')[1].split('.')[0]}"} # require f # klassname = "Rbcli::Command::#{f.match(/.*\/([^\/]+)\.rb$/i)[1].capitalize}" # klass = Object.const_get(klassname) # klass.send :include, Rbcli::Command # self.add_command klassname.split('::')[-1], klass # end end # module InheritableTraits # # def self.included(base) # base.extend ClassMethods # end # # module ClassMethods # def traits(*attrs) # @traits ||= [] # @traits += attrs # attrs.each do |attr| # class_eval %{ # def self.#{attr}(string = nil) # @#{attr} = string || @#{attr} # end # def self.#{attr}=(string = nil) # #{attr}(string) # end # } # end # @traits # end # # def inherited(subclass) # (["traits"] + traits).each do |t| # ivar = "@#{t}" # subclass.instance_variable_set( # ivar, # instance_variable_get(ivar) # ) # end # end # end # # end