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Supported browsers are %s.": "此浏览器不支持区域编辑,以下浏览器支持: %s", "Mercury.PageEditor can only be instantiated once.": "编辑器只能启动一个实例", "Opera isn't a fully supported browser, your results may not be optimal.": "Opera不完全支持此编辑器, 部分功能不可用", "Mercury.PageEditor failed to load: %s\n\nPlease try refreshing.": "无法加载编辑器: %s\n\n请刷新重试", "Region type is malformed, no data-type provided, or \"%s\" is unknown for the \"%s\" region.": "编辑区域格式不正确 或没有制定 data-type 或 \"%s\"是未知属性.", "Mercury was unable to save to the url: %s": "编辑器无法保存到: %s", "You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to leave without saving them first?": "本页有改动没有保存,你确定要放弃改动并离开页面吗?", "Unknown button type \"%s\" used for the \"%s\" button.": "未知按钮类型: \"%s\" (按钮:\"%s\")", "Unknown button structure -- please provide an array, object, or string for \"%s\".": "未知按钮结构 -- 请传入array/object/string (\"%s\").", "Mercury was unable to load %s for the \"%s\" dialog.": "无法加载对话框%s", "Mercury was unable to load %s for the lightview.": "无法加载视图%s", "Mercury was unable to load %s for the modal.": "无法加载弹出框%s", "Error loading the preview for the \"%s\" snippet.": "", "Snippet Options": "", "Unable to process response: %s": "", "Error: Unable to upload the file": "", "Malformed response from server": "", "Too large": "", "Unsupported format": "", "Processing...": "", "Uploading...": "", "Aborted": "", "Successfully uploaded...": "", "Name: %s": "", "Size: %s": "", "Type: %s": "", "Error: The provided youtube share url was invalid.": "", "Error: The provided vimeo url was invalid.": "", "Path:": "", "Link Content": "链接内容", "Standard Links": "标准链接", "URL": "URL", "Index / Bookmark Links": "索引及书签链接", "Existing Links": "现有链接", "Bookmark": "书签", "Link Target": "链接Target", "Self (the same window or tab)": "Self (本窗口)", "Blank (a new window or tab)": "Blank (新窗口)", "Top (removes any frames)": "Top (顶级)", "Popup Window (javascript new window popup)": "弹出窗口", "Popup Width": "弹出窗口宽度", "Popup Height": "弹出窗口高度", "Images": "图片", "Videos": "视频", "YouTube Share URL": "YouTube链接", "Vimeo URL": "Vimeo链接", "Alignment": "对齐方式", "None": "无", "Left": "左对齐", "Right": "右对齐", "Top": "顶部对齐", "Middle": "垂直居中", "Bottom": "底部对齐", "Absolute Middle": "绝对居中", "Absolute Bottom": "绝对底部", "Width": "宽度", "Height": "高度", "Insert Media": "插入媒体", "Rows": "行", "Add Before": "在之前添加", "Add After": "在之后添加", "Remove": "删除", "Columns": "列", "Row Span": "行跨度", "Column Span": "列跨度", "Options": "选项", "Border": "边框", "Spacing": "边距", "HTML Editor": "HTML编辑器", "Save and Replace": "保存并替换", "Last Color Picked": "最近使用颜色", "Heading 1": "一级标题", "Heading 2": "二级标题", "Heading 3": "三级标题", "Heading 4": "四级标题", "Heading 5": "五级标题", "Heading 6": "六级标题", "Paragraph": "段落", "Blockquote": "引用", "Formatted": "已格式化", "Project Home": "项目名称", "Project Source": "源代码" }; }).call(this); ;�TI"required_assets_digest;�F"%b7e364f357623b135f234aedaef44a0cI" _version;�F"%9f3b95dd7ea3030dc35985c0a8020862