# Configuration You can configure the site using `config/tech-docs.yml`. [See the PaaS tech docs for an example](https://github.com/alphagov/paas-tech-docs/blob/master/config/tech-docs.yml). These are all the available options: ## `ga_tracking_id` Tracking ID from Google Analytics ```yaml ga_tracking_id: UA-XXXX-Y ``` ## `github_repo` Your repository. Required if [show_contribution_banner](#show-contribution-banner) is true. ```yaml github_repo: alphagov/example-repo ``` ## `github_branch` Your github branch name. Useful if your default branch is not named master. ```yaml github_branch: source ``` ## `google_site_verification` Adds a [Google Site Verification code](https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/35179?hl=en) to the meta tags. ```yaml google_site_verification: TvDTuyvdstyusadrCSDrctyd ``` ## `enable_search` Enables search functionality. This indexes pages only and is not recommended for single-page sites. ```yaml enable_search: true ``` ## `header_links` Right hand side navigation. Example: ```yaml header_links: Documentation: / ``` ## `host` Host to use for canonical URL generation (without trailing slash). Example: ```yaml host: https://docs.cloud.service.gov.uk ``` ## `collapsible_nav` Enable collapsible navigation in the sidebar. Defaults to false; ```yaml collapsible_nav: true ``` ## `multipage_nav` Enable multipage navigation in the sidebar. Defaults to false; ```yaml multipage_nav: true ``` ## `max_toc_heading_level` Table of contents depth – how many levels to include in the table of contents. If your ToC is too long, reduce this number and we'll only show higher-level headings. ```yaml max_toc_heading_level: 6 ``` ## `phase` ```yaml phase: "Beta" ``` ## `prevent_indexing` Prevent robots from indexing (e.g. whilst in development) ```yaml prevent_indexing: false ``` ## `redirects` A list of redirects, from old to new location. Use this to set up external redirects or if [setting `old_paths` in the frontmatter](docs/frontmatter.md#old_paths) doesn't work. ```yaml redirects: /old-page.html: https://example.org/something-else.html /another/old-page.html: /another/new-page.html ``` ## `service_name` The service name in the header. Example: ```yaml service_name: "Platform as a Service" ``` ## `full_service_name` The full service name (maybe with GOV.UK) Example: ```yaml full_service_name: "GOV.UK Pay" ``` ## `service_link` What the service name in the header links to. default: '/' ```yaml service_link: "/" ``` ## `show_contribution_banner` Show a block at the bottom of the page that links to the page source, so readers can easily contribute back to the documentation. If turned on [github_repo](#github-repo) is required. Off by default. ```yaml show_contribution_banner: true github_repo: alphagov/example-repo ``` ## `source_urls` Customise the URLs that the contribution banner links to. Only useful if [show_contribution_banner](#show_contribution_banner) is turned on. By default, "Report issue" links to raising a GitHub issue but by modifying the `report_issue_url` it can link to an email address or another page. ```yaml source_urls: report_issue_url: mailto:support@example.com ``` ## `show_govuk_logo` Whether to show the GOV.UK crown logo. default: `true` ```yaml show_govuk_logo: true ``` ## `api_path` Define a path to an Open API V3 spec file. This can be a relative file path or a URI to a raw file. ```yaml api_path: ./source/pets.yml ``` ## `owner_slack_workspace` and `default_owner_slack` These attributes are used to specify the owner of a page. See the separate [documentation for page expiry][expiry] for more details. ## `show_expiry` Decides whether or not to show a red banner when the page needs to be reviewed. If not present or set to `true`, the red banner will appear when the page needs to be reviewed. This is the default behaviour. If set to `false`, the red banner will not appear when the page needs to be reviewed. See the separate [documentation for page expiry][expiry] for more details. [expiry]: https://tdt-documentation.london.cloudapps.digital/page-expiry.html#page-expiry-and-review