# NuGet The NuGet source will detect ProjectReference-style restored packages by inspecting `project.assets.json` files for dependencies. It requires that `dotnet restore` has already ran on the project. The source currently expects that `source_path` is set to the `obj` directory containing the `project.assets.json`. For example, if your project lives at `foo/foo.proj`, you likely want to set `source_path` to `foo/obj`. If in MSBuild you have customized your `obj` paths (e.g. to live outside your source tree), you may need to set `source_path` to something different such as `../obj/foo`. ### Search strategy This source looks for licenses: 1. Specified by SPDX expression via `` in a package's `.nuspec` (via licensee) 2. In license files such as `LICENSE.txt`, even if not specified in the `.nuspec` (via licensee) 3. Specified by filepath via `` in a package's `.nuspec`, even if not a standard license filename. 4. By downloading and inspecting the contents of `` in a package's `.nuspec`, if not found otherwise.