# HoboSupport - Eumerable extensions doctest_require: '../../lib/hobosupport' ## `Enumerable#map_and_find` * `enum.map_and_find(not_found) { |element| block}` Iterates through an enumerable passing each element in turn to the block. Returns the first true value returned by the block, or `not_found` if the block never returns a true value. E.g. The length of the first word that starts with a capital letter >> %w(my name is Fred).map_and_find { |s| s.length if s =~ /^[A-Z]/ } => 4 ## `Enumerable#map_with_index` * `enum.map_with_index { |element, index| block }` Just like #map but the block gets the element and the index. >> %w(some short words).map_with_index { |s, i| s * i } => ["", "short", "wordswords"] ## `Enumerable#build_hash` * `enum.build_hash { |element| block }` The block is passed each element in turn and should return a key/value pair. If the block returns nil, nothing is added to the hash. >> %w(some short words).build_hash { |s| [s, s.length] unless s == "short" } => {"some"=>4, "words"=>5} ## `Enumerable#map_hash` * `enum.map_hash { |element| block }` Each element is passed to the block. Returns a hash where the keys are the elements from the enumerable, and the values are those returned by the block for the given key. >> %w(some short words).map_hash { |s| s.length } => {"some"=>4, "short"=>5, "words"=>5} ## `Enumerable#rest` Shorthand for `enum[1..-1]` >> %w(some short words).rest => ["short", "words"] ## `Enumerable#*` Shorthand for `map` when you need to map a single method call on the elements. >> %w(some short words).*.length => [4, 5, 5] ## `Enumerable#where` Shorthand for `select` when you need to select on a single method call. >> %w(some short words).where.include?("r") => ["short", "words"] ## `Enumerable#where_not` Shorthand for `reject` when you need to reject on a single method call. >> %w(some short words).where_not.include?("r") => ["some"] ## `Enumerable#drop_while` * `enum.drop_while { |element| block }` Passes each element in turn to the block until the block returns false. Returns the remaining elements in a new array. >> %w(this is a nice example).drop_while { |s| s.length > 1 } => ["a", "nice", "example"] There is also a destructive version for arrays >> a = %w(this is a nice example) >> a.drop_while! { |s| s.length > 1 } >> a => ["a", "nice", "example"] ## `Enumerable#take_while` * `enum.take_while { |element| block }` Passes each element in turn to the block until the block returns false. Returns a new with the elements for which the block returned true >> %w(this is a nice example).take_while { |s| s.length > 1 } => ["this", "is"] ## `Object#in?` * `obj.in?(enum)` Shorthand for `enum.include?(obj)` >> 3.in?(0..10) => true >> 300.in?(0..10) => false `in?` treats nil as an empty enumeration: >> 3.in?(nil) => false ## `Object#not_in?` * `obj.not_in?(enum)` Negation of `in?` >> 3.not_in?(0..10) => false >> 300.not_in?(0..10) => true `not_in?` treats nil as an empty enumeration: >> 3.not_in?(nil) => true