


enum                PopplerFormButtonType;
enum                PopplerFormChoiceType;
enum                PopplerFormFieldType;
enum                PopplerFormTextType;
gint                poppler_form_field_get_id           (PopplerFormField *field);
PopplerFormFieldType  poppler_form_field_get_field_type (PopplerFormField *field);
gboolean            poppler_form_field_is_read_only     (PopplerFormField *field);
gdouble             poppler_form_field_get_font_size    (PopplerFormField *field);
PopplerFormButtonType  poppler_form_field_button_get_button_type
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);
gboolean            poppler_form_field_button_get_state (PopplerFormField *field);
void                poppler_form_field_button_set_state (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         gboolean state);
gboolean            poppler_form_field_choice_can_select_multiple
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);
gboolean            poppler_form_field_choice_commit_on_change
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);
gboolean            poppler_form_field_choice_do_spell_check
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);
PopplerFormChoiceType  poppler_form_field_choice_get_choice_type
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);
gchar *             poppler_form_field_choice_get_item  (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         gint index);
gint                poppler_form_field_choice_get_n_items
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);
gchar *             poppler_form_field_choice_get_text  (PopplerFormField *field);
gboolean            poppler_form_field_choice_is_editable
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);
gboolean            poppler_form_field_choice_is_item_selected
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         gint index);
void                poppler_form_field_choice_select_item
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         gint index);
void                poppler_form_field_choice_set_text  (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         const gchar *text);
void                poppler_form_field_choice_toggle_item
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         gint index);
void                poppler_form_field_choice_unselect_all
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);
gboolean            poppler_form_field_text_do_scroll   (PopplerFormField *field);
gboolean            poppler_form_field_text_do_spell_check
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);
gint                poppler_form_field_text_get_max_len (PopplerFormField *field);
gchar *             poppler_form_field_text_get_text    (PopplerFormField *field);
PopplerFormTextType  poppler_form_field_text_get_text_type
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);
gboolean            poppler_form_field_text_is_password (PopplerFormField *field);
gboolean            poppler_form_field_text_is_rich_text
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);
void                poppler_form_field_text_set_text    (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         const gchar *text);

Object Hierarchy





typedef struct _PopplerFormField PopplerFormField;

enum PopplerFormButtonType

typedef enum
} PopplerFormButtonType;

enum PopplerFormChoiceType

typedef enum
} PopplerFormChoiceType;

enum PopplerFormFieldType

typedef enum
} PopplerFormFieldType;

enum PopplerFormTextType

typedef enum
} PopplerFormTextType;

poppler_form_field_get_id ()

gint                poppler_form_field_get_id           (PopplerFormField *field);

Gets the id of field

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

the id of field

poppler_form_field_get_field_type ()

PopplerFormFieldType  poppler_form_field_get_field_type (PopplerFormField *field);

Gets the type of field

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

PopplerFormFieldType of field

poppler_form_field_is_read_only ()

gboolean            poppler_form_field_is_read_only     (PopplerFormField *field);

Checks whether field is read only

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

TRUE if field is read only

poppler_form_field_get_font_size ()

gdouble             poppler_form_field_get_font_size    (PopplerFormField *field);

Gets the font size of field

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

the font size of field

poppler_form_field_button_get_button_type ()

PopplerFormButtonType  poppler_form_field_button_get_button_type
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);

Gets the button type of field

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

PopplerFormButtonType of field

poppler_form_field_button_get_state ()

gboolean            poppler_form_field_button_get_state (PopplerFormField *field);

Queries a PopplerFormField and returns its current state. Returns TRUE if field is pressed in and FALSE if it is raised.

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

current state of field

poppler_form_field_button_set_state ()

void                poppler_form_field_button_set_state (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         gboolean state);

Sets the status of field. Set to TRUE if you want the PopplerFormField to be 'pressed in', and FALSE to raise it.

field :

a PopplerFormField

state :


poppler_form_field_choice_can_select_multiple ()

gboolean            poppler_form_field_choice_can_select_multiple
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);

Checks whether field allows multiple choices to be selected

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

TRUE if field allows multiple choices to be selected

poppler_form_field_choice_commit_on_change ()

gboolean            poppler_form_field_choice_commit_on_change
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);

field :

Returns :

poppler_form_field_choice_do_spell_check ()

gboolean            poppler_form_field_choice_do_spell_check
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);

Checks whether spell checking should be done for the contents of field

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

TRUE if spell checking should be done for field

poppler_form_field_choice_get_choice_type ()

PopplerFormChoiceType  poppler_form_field_choice_get_choice_type
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);

Gets the choice type of field

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

PopplerFormChoiceType of field

poppler_form_field_choice_get_item ()

gchar *             poppler_form_field_choice_get_item  (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         gint index);

Returns the contents of the item on field at the given index

field :

a PopplerFormField

index :

the index of the item

Returns :

a new allocated string. It must be freed with g_free() when done.

poppler_form_field_choice_get_n_items ()

gint                poppler_form_field_choice_get_n_items
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);

Returns the number of items on field

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

the number of items on field

poppler_form_field_choice_get_text ()

gchar *             poppler_form_field_choice_get_text  (PopplerFormField *field);

Retrieves the contents of field.

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

a new allocated string. It must be freed with g_free() when done.

poppler_form_field_choice_is_editable ()

gboolean            poppler_form_field_choice_is_editable
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);

Checks whether field is editable

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

TRUE if field is editable

poppler_form_field_choice_is_item_selected ()

gboolean            poppler_form_field_choice_is_item_selected
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         gint index);

Checks whether the item at the given index on field is currently selected

field :

a PopplerFormField

index :

the index of the item

Returns :

TRUE if item at index is currently selected

poppler_form_field_choice_select_item ()

void                poppler_form_field_choice_select_item
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         gint index);

Selects the item at the given index on field

field :

a PopplerFormField

index :

the index of the item

poppler_form_field_choice_set_text ()

void                poppler_form_field_choice_set_text  (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         const gchar *text);

field :

text :

poppler_form_field_choice_toggle_item ()

void                poppler_form_field_choice_toggle_item
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         gint index);

Sets the text in field to the given value, replacing the current contents

field :

a PopplerFormField

index :

poppler_form_field_choice_unselect_all ()

void                poppler_form_field_choice_unselect_all
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);

Unselects all the items on field

field :

a PopplerFormField

poppler_form_field_text_do_scroll ()

gboolean            poppler_form_field_text_do_scroll   (PopplerFormField *field);

field :

Returns :

poppler_form_field_text_do_spell_check ()

gboolean            poppler_form_field_text_do_spell_check
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);

Checks whether spell checking should be done for the contents of field

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

TRUE if spell checking should be done for field

poppler_form_field_text_get_max_len ()

gint                poppler_form_field_text_get_max_len (PopplerFormField *field);

Retrieves the maximum allowed length of the text in field

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

the maximum allowed number of characters in field, or -1 if there is no maximum.

poppler_form_field_text_get_text ()

gchar *             poppler_form_field_text_get_text    (PopplerFormField *field);

Retrieves the contents of field.

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

a new allocated string. It must be freed with g_free() when done.

poppler_form_field_text_get_text_type ()

PopplerFormTextType  poppler_form_field_text_get_text_type
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);

Gets the text type of field.

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

PopplerFormTextType of field

poppler_form_field_text_is_password ()

gboolean            poppler_form_field_text_is_password (PopplerFormField *field);

Checks whether content of field is a password and it must be hidden

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

TRUE if the content of field is a password

poppler_form_field_text_is_rich_text ()

gboolean            poppler_form_field_text_is_rich_text
                                                        (PopplerFormField *field);

Checks whether the contents of field are rich text

field :

a PopplerFormField

Returns :

TRUE if the contents of field are rich text

poppler_form_field_text_set_text ()

void                poppler_form_field_text_set_text    (PopplerFormField *field,
                                                         const gchar *text);

Sets the text in field to the given value, replacing the current contents.

field :

a PopplerFormField

text :

the new text