#include "MarkupParser.hpp" #include "GraphicsImpl.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; static const int FONT_RENDER_SCALE = 2; struct Gosu::Font::Impl { string name; int height; unsigned base_flags; // The most common characters are stored directly in an array for maximum performance. // (This is the start of the Basic Multilingual Plane, up until the part where right-to-left // languages begin, which don't really work with Gosu yet.) array, FF_COMBINATIONS> fast_glyphs; // Everything else is looked up through a map... array, FF_COMBINATIONS> other_glyphs; Image& image(char32_t codepoint, unsigned font_flags) { Image* image; if (codepoint < fast_glyphs[font_flags].size()) { image = &fast_glyphs[font_flags][codepoint]; } else { image = &other_glyphs[font_flags][codepoint]; } // If this codepoint has not been rendered before, do it now. if (image->width() == 0 && image->height() == 0) { auto scaled_height = height * FONT_RENDER_SCALE; u32string string(1, codepoint); Bitmap bitmap(scaled_height, scaled_height); auto required_width = ceil(Gosu::draw_text(bitmap, 0, 0, Color::WHITE, string, name, scaled_height, font_flags)); if (required_width > bitmap.width()) { // If the character was wider than high, we need to render it again. Bitmap(required_width, scaled_height).swap(bitmap); Gosu::draw_text(bitmap, 0, 0, Color::WHITE, string, name, scaled_height, font_flags); } *image = Image(bitmap, 0, 0, required_width, scaled_height); } return *image; } }; Gosu::Font::Font(int font_height, const string& font_name, unsigned font_flags) : pimpl(new Impl) { pimpl->name = font_name; pimpl->height = font_height; pimpl->base_flags = font_flags; } const string& Gosu::Font::name() const { return pimpl->name; } int Gosu::Font::height() const { return pimpl->height; } unsigned Gosu::Font::flags() const { return pimpl->base_flags; } double Gosu::Font::text_width(const string& text) const { return markup_width(escape_markup(text)); } double Gosu::Font::markup_width(const string& markup) const { double width = 0; // Split the text into lines (split_words = false) because Font doesn't implement word-wrapping. MarkupParser parser(pimpl->base_flags, false, [&](vector&& line) { double line_width = 0; for (auto& part : line) { for (auto codepoint : part.text) { auto& image = pimpl->image(codepoint, part.flags); double image_scale = 1.0 * height() / image.height(); line_width += image_scale * image.width(); } } width = max(width, line_width); }); parser.parse(markup); return width; } void Gosu::Font::draw_text(const string& text, double x, double y, ZPos z, double scale_x, double scale_y, Color c, AlphaMode mode) const { draw_markup(escape_markup(text), x, y, z, scale_x, scale_y, c, mode); } void Gosu::Font::draw_markup(const string& markup, double x, double y, ZPos z, double scale_x, double scale_y, Color c, AlphaMode mode) const { double current_y = y; // Split the text into lines (split_words = false) because Font doesn't implement word-wrapping. MarkupParser parser(pimpl->base_flags, false, [&](vector&& line) { double current_x = x; for (auto& part : line) { for (auto codepoint : part.text) { auto& image = pimpl->image(codepoint, part.flags); double image_scale = 1.0 * height() / image.height(); image.draw(current_x, current_y, z, image_scale * scale_x, image_scale * scale_y, multiply(c, part.color), mode); current_x += image_scale * scale_x * image.width(); } } current_y += scale_y * height(); }); parser.parse(markup); } void Gosu::Font::draw_text_rel(const string& text, double x, double y, ZPos z, double rel_x, double rel_y, double scale_x, double scale_y, Color c, AlphaMode mode) const { if (rel_x) x -= text_width(text) * scale_x * rel_x; if (rel_y) y -= height() * scale_y * rel_y; draw_text(text, x, y, z, scale_x, scale_y, c, mode); } void Gosu::Font::draw_markup_rel(const string& markup, double x, double y, ZPos z, double rel_x, double rel_y, double scale_x, double scale_y, Color c, AlphaMode mode) const { if (rel_x) x -= markup_width(markup) * scale_x * rel_x; if (rel_y) y -= height() * scale_y * rel_y; draw_markup(markup, x, y, z, scale_x, scale_y, c, mode); } void Gosu::Font::set_image(std::string codepoint, unsigned font_flags, const Gosu::Image& image) { auto utc4 = utf8_to_composed_utc4(codepoint); if (utc4.length() != 1) { throw invalid_argument("Could not compose '" + codepoint + "' into a single codepoint"); } if (utc4[0] < pimpl->fast_glyphs[font_flags].size()) { pimpl->fast_glyphs[font_flags][utc4[0]] = image; } else { pimpl->other_glyphs[font_flags][utc4[0]] = image; } } void Gosu::Font::set_image(std::string codepoint, const Gosu::Image& image) { for (unsigned font_flags = 0; font_flags < FF_COMBINATIONS; ++font_flags) { set_image(codepoint, font_flags, image); } }