require 'public_suffix' require 'addressable/uri' require_relative './naughty_or_nice/version' # Primary module to be mixed into the child class module NaughtyOrNice # Source: EMAIL_REGEX = %r{ ^ ( [\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+ \. ) * [\w\!\#\$\%\&\'\*\+\-\/\=\?\^\`\{\|\}\~]+ @ ( ( ( ( ( [a-z0-9]{1} [a-z0-9\-]{0,62} [a-z0-9]{1} ) | [a-z] ) \. )+ [a-z]{2,6} ) | ( \d{1,3} \. ){3} \d{1,3} ( \:\d{1,5} )? ) $ }xi.freeze # Ruby idiom that allows `include` to create class methods module ClassMethods def valid?(text) new(text).valid? end end def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end def initialize(domain) if domain.is_a?(PublicSuffix::Domain) @domain = domain @text = domain.to_s else @text = domain.to_s.downcase.strip end end # Return the public suffix domain object # # Supports all domain strings (URLs, emails) # # Returns the domain object or nil, but no errors, never an error def domain return @domain if defined? @domain @domain = begin PublicSuffix.parse(normalized_domain, default_rule: nil) rescue PublicSuffix::DomainInvalid, PublicSuffix::DomainNotAllowed nil end end # Checks if the input string represents a valid domain # # Returns boolean true if a valid domain, otherwise false def valid? !domain.nil? end # Is the input text in the form of a valid email address? # # Returns true if email, otherwise false def email? !(@text =~ EMAIL_REGEX).nil? end # Return the parsed domain as a string def to_s @to_s ||= domain.to_s if domain end def inspect "#<#{self.class} domain=\"#{domain}\" valid=#{valid?}>" end private # Parse the domain from the input string # # Can handle urls, domains, or emails # # Returns the domain string def normalized_domain if @text.empty? nil elsif parsed_domain end end def parsed_domain @parsed_domain ||= begin text = @text.dup text = text.prepend('http://') unless text =~ %r{\Ahttps?://} uri = Addressable::URI.parse(text) # properly parse http://foo edge cases # see uri if'.') end rescue Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError nil end end