# encoding: utf-8 module Ayadn class Status def initialize @thor = Thor::Shell::Color.new end def done info("done", "", "green") end def canceled say do puts "\n" say_red :canceled, "" end end def downloaded(name) info("downloaded", "#{Settings.config[:paths][:downloads]}/#{name}", "green") end def links_saved(name) info("done", "links exported to file #{Settings.config[:paths][:lists]}/#{name}", "green") end def downloading info("connected", "downloading from ADN", "yellow") end def posting info("connected", "posting to ADN", "yellow") end def deleting_post(post_id) say_yellow :deleting, "post #{post_id}" end def deleting_message(message_id) say_yellow :deleting, "message #{message_id}" end def unfollowing(username) say_yellow :unfollowing, username end def following(username) say_yellow :following, username end def unmuting(username) say_yellow :unmuting, username end def muting(username) say_yellow :muting, username end def unblocking(username) say_yellow :unblocking, username end def blocking(username) say_yellow :blocking, username end def unreposting(post_id) say_yellow :unreposting, "post #{post_id}" end def reposting(post_id) say_yellow :reposting, "post #{post_id}" end def unstarring(post_id) say_yellow :unstarring, "post #{post_id}" end def starring(post_id) say_yellow :starring, "post #{post_id}" end def not_deleted(post_id) info("error", "could not delete post #{post_id} (post isn't yours, or is already deleted)", "red") end def not_deleted_m(post_id) info("error", "could not delete post #{post_id} (post isn't yours, or is already deleted)", "red") end def not_starred(post_id) info("error", "could not star post #{post_id} (post doesn't exist, or is already starred)", "red") end def not_unreposted(post_id) info("error", "could not unrepost post #{post_id} (post isn't yours, isn't a repost, or has been deleted)", "red") end def not_reposted(post_id) info("error", "could not repost post #{post_id} (post has been deleted?)", "red") end def not_unstarred(post_id) info("error", "could not unstar post #{post_id} (post isn't yours, isn't starred, or has been deleted)", "red") end def not_unfollowed(username) info("error", "could not unfollow user #{username} (doesn't exist, or wasn't already followed)", "red") end def not_followed(username) info("error", "could not follow user #{username} (doesn't exist, or you already follow)", "red") end def not_unmuted(username) info("error", "could not unmute user #{username} (doesn't exist, or wasn't already muted)", "red") end def not_muted(username) info("error", "could not mute user #{username} (doesn't exist, or is already muted)", "red") end def not_unblocked(username) info("error", "could not unblock user #{username} (doesn't exist, or wasn't already blocked)", "red") end def not_blocked(username) info("error", "could not block user #{username} (doesn't exist, or is already blocked)", "red") end def deleted(post_id) info("deleted", "post #{post_id}", "green") end def deleted_m(message_id) info("deleted", "message #{message_id}", "green") end def starred(post_id) info("starred", "post #{post_id}", "green") end def unreposted(post_id) info("unreposted", "post #{post_id}", "green") end def reposted(post_id) info("reposted", "post #{post_id}", "green") end def unstarred(post_id) info("unstarred", "post #{post_id}", "green") end def already_starred info("ok", "already starred", "green") end def already_reposted info("ok", "already reposted", "green") end def unfollowed(username) info("unfollowed", username, "green") end def followed(username) info("followed", username, "green") end def unmuted(username) info("unmuted", username, "green") end def muted(username) info("muted", username, "green") end def unblocked(username) info("unblocked", username, "green") end def blocked(username) info("blocked", username, "green") end def error_missing_title info("error", "please specify (part of) a movie title", "red") end def error_missing_username info("error", "please specify a username", "red") end def error_missing_post_id info("error", "please specify a post id", "red") end def error_missing_message_id info("error", "please specify a message id", "red") end def error_missing_channel_id info("error", "please specify a channel id", "red") end def error_missing_parameters say do say_error "please submit valid items" say_info "see `ayadn -sg` for a list of valid parameters and values" end end def empty_list info("info", "the list is empty", "yellow") end def writing puts "\n" say_cyan :author, "#{Settings.config[:identity][:handle]}" puts "\n" end def yourmessage username = nil if username.nil? say_center "Your message:" else say_center "Your message to #{username}:" end puts "\n\n" end def message_from(username) puts "\n" say_yellow :from, "#{Settings.config[:identity][:handle]}" say_yellow :to, "#{username[0]}" end def replying_to(post_id) puts "\n" say_yellow :replying, "to post #{post_id}" end def readline say do say_cyan :next, "type your text" say_cyan :ok, "[CTRL+D] to validate" say_cyan :cancel, "[CTRL+C] to cancel" end end def reply say_cyan :max, "#{Settings.config[:post_max_length]} characters" end def post say_cyan :max, "#{Settings.config[:post_max_length]} characters" end def message say_cyan :max, "#{Settings.config[:message_max_length]} characters" end def valid_colors(colors_list) say_cyan :info, "valid colors:" say { puts colors_list } end def must_be_integer info("error", "this paramater must be an integer between 1 and 200", "red") end def no_new_posts info("info", "no new posts since your last visit with Ayadn", "cyan") end def no_new_messages info("info", "no new messages", "cyan") end def type_and_target_missing info("error", "please submit a TYPE ('mention', 'hashtag', 'client') and a TARGET (a @username, a hashtag, a client name)", "red") end def wrong_arguments info("error", "invalid arguments", "red") end def no_pin_creds info("error", "Ayadn couldn't find your Pinboard credentials", "red") end def pin_creds_saved info("done", "credentials successfully encoded and saved", "green") end def saving_pin info("saving", "post text and links to Pinboard", "yellow") end def error_only_osx say do say_error "this feature only works with iTunes by default" say_info "if you've got a Last.fm account, use `ayadn -NP --lastfm` (short: `-l`)" end end def empty_fields info("canceled", "couldn't get enough information (empty field)", "red") end def not_authorized say do say_error "no user authorized" say_info "please run `ayadn -auth` to authorize an account" end end def wtf info("error", "an unkown error happened", "red") end def redirecting say do say_info "post is a repost" say_yellow :action, "redirecting" end end def nobody_reposted info("error", "nobody reposted this post", "red") end def nobody_starred info("error", "nobody starred this post", "red") end def not_your_repost info("error", "this post isn't one of your reposts", "red") end def not_your_starred info("error", "this isn't one of your starred posts", "red") end def auto say do say_info "entering the auto posting mode" say_info "each line you type (each time you hit ENTER) is automatically posted to ADN" say_info "at any moment, starting now, hit CTRL+C to exit" say_yellow :info, "AUTO POSTING MODE ACTIVATED" end end def threshold say do say_error "please enter a value between 0.1 and 3.5" say_green :info, "example: 2.1" end end def must_be_in_index info("error", "number must be in the range of the indexed posts", "red") end def user_404(username) info("error", "user #{username} doesn't exist (it could be a deleted account)", "red") end def post_404(post_id) info("error", "impossible to find #{post_id} (it may have been deleted)", "red") end def no_alias info("error", "this alias doesn't exist", "red") end def no_itunes info("canceled", "unable to get info from iTunes", "red") end def pin_username info("please", "enter your Pinboard username (CTRL+C to cancel)", "green") end def pin_password info("please", "enter your Pinboard password (invisible, CTRL+C to cancel)", "green") end def too_long(size, max_size) diff = size - max_size diff > 1 ? pl = "s" : pl = "" say do say_error "text too long" say_green :info, "#{max_size} max: #{diff} character#{pl} to remove" end end def no_text info("error", "no text", "red") end def bad_path info("error", "couldn't upload this file (path seems wrong)", "red") end def no_curl say do say_error "Ayadn needs 'curl' to upload files" say_yellow :next, "please install 'curl' (or check that it's properly declared in your $PATH)" end end def itunes_store info("connexion", "fetching informations from the iTunes Store", "green") end def fetching_from(source) info("connexion", "fetching informations from #{source}", "green") end def no_movie info("error", "sorry, can't find this movie", "red") end def no_show info("error", "sorry, can't find this show", "red") end def no_show_infos info("error", "sorry, can't find informations about this show", "red") end def no_force(target) say do say_error "'#{target}' can't be displayed (could be muted, blocked, in the Blacklist, etc)" say_info "please use option '--force' ('-f') to try and display this content anyway" end end def profile_options info("error", "please specify what to update or delete: --bio, --name, --blog, --twitter or --web", "red") end def one_username info("error", "please specify only one username", "red") end def no_username say do say_error "Ayadn couldn't get your username" say_yellow :next, "please try again" end end def deprecated_ayadn say do say_red :deprecated, "Ayadn 1.x user data detected" say_yellow :warning, "please delete your old ayadn folder then try again" end end def updating_profile info("updating", "profile", "yellow") end def to_be_posted info("", "Your post:") end def yourpost # info("", "Your post:") say_center "Your post:" end def post_info info("info", "post", "cyan") end def repost_info info("info", "repost of", "cyan") end def unread_from_channel(channel_id) say_info "unread message(s) from channel #{channel_id}" puts "\n\n" end def ayadn <<-AYADN \t\t _____ __ __ _____ ____ _____ \t\t | _ | | | _ | \\| | | \t\t | |_ _| | | | | | | \t\t |__|__| |_| |__|__|____/|_|___| AYADN end def version puts ayadn() say_green :version, "#{VERSION}" say_yellow :changelog, "https://github.com/ericdke/na/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" say_yellow :docs, "https://github.com/ericdke/na/tree/master/doc" puts "\n\n" end def ask_clear_databases info("question", "are you sure you want to erase all the content of your aliases database? [y/N]", "red") end def ask_clear_blacklist info("question", "are you sure you want to erase all the content of your blacklist database? [y/N]", "red") end def ask_clear_bookmarks info("question", "are you sure you want to erase all the content of your bookmarks database? [y/N]", "red") end def ok? info("confirm", "is it ok? [y/N]", "yellow") end def itunes_store_track(store) puts "\n" say_cyan :next, "Ayadn will use these elements to insert album artwork and a link" end def server_error(bool) if bool == true say do say_error "Ayadn couldn't get the JSON reponse" say_yellow :next, "trying again in 10 seconds" end else say do say_error "Ayadn couldn't get the JSON reponse" say_yellow :status, "Current command canceled after one retry" end end end ##--- def info(status, message, color = nil) if color.nil? lamb = lambda { say_nocolor(status.to_sym, message.to_s) } else lamb = lambda { @thor.say_status(status.to_sym, message.to_s, color.to_sym) } end puts "\n" lamb.call puts "\n" end def say() # expects a block puts "\n" yield puts "\n" end def say_center(message) @thor.say_status nil, message end def say_nocolor(tag, message) @thor.say_status tag, message end def say_error(message) @thor.say_status :error, message, :red end def say_info(message) @thor.say_status :info, message, :cyan end def say_green(tag, message) @thor.say_status tag, message, :green end def say_blue(tag, message) @thor.say_status tag, message, :blue end def say_cyan(tag, message) @thor.say_status tag, message, :cyan end def say_red(tag, message) @thor.say_status tag, message, :red end def say_yellow(tag, message) @thor.say_status tag, message, :yellow end def say_end say { say_green :done, "end of diagnostics" } end def say_header(message) say { say_info message } end def say_text(text) say { puts text } end def say_trace(message) @thor.say_status :message, message, :yell end end end