require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet' describe Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo) do let(:yumrepo) { Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new( :name => "puppetlabs" ) } describe "When validating attributes" do it "should have a 'name' parameter'" do yumrepo[:name].should == "puppetlabs" end [:baseurl, :cost, :descr, :enabled, :enablegroups, :exclude, :failovermethod, :gpgcheck, :repo_gpgcheck, :gpgkey, :http_caching, :include, :includepkgs, :keepalive, :metadata_expire, :mirrorlist, :priority, :protect, :proxy, :proxy_username, :proxy_password, :timeout, :sslcacert, :sslverify, :sslclientcert, :sslclientkey, :s3_enabled, :metalink].each do |param| it "should have a '#{param}' parameter" do Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).attrtype(param).should == :property end end end describe "When validating attribute values" do [:cost, :enabled, :enablegroups, :failovermethod, :gpgcheck, :repo_gpgcheck, :http_caching, :keepalive, :metadata_expire, :priority, :protect, :timeout].each do |param| it "should support :absent as a value to '#{param}' parameter" do Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new(:name => 'puppetlabs', param => :absent) end end [:cost, :enabled, :enablegroups, :gpgcheck, :repo_gpgcheck, :keepalive, :metadata_expire, :priority, :protect, :timeout].each do |param| it "should fail if '#{param}' is not true/false, 0/1, or yes/no" do expect { Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new(:name => "puppetlabs", param => "notanumber") }.to raise_error end end [:enabled, :enabledgroups, :gpgcheck, :repo_gpgcheck, :keepalive, :protect, :s3_enabled].each do |param| it "should fail if '#{param}' does not have one of the following values (0|1)" do expect { Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new(:name => "puppetlabs", param => "2") }.to raise_error end end it "should fail if 'failovermethod' does not have one of the following values (roundrobin|priority)" do expect { Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new(:name => "puppetlabs", :failovermethod => "notavalidvalue") }.to raise_error end it "should fail if 'http_caching' does not have one of the following values (packages|all|none)" do expect { Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new(:name => "puppetlabs", :http_caching => "notavalidvalue") }.to raise_error end it "should fail if 'sslverify' does not have one of the following values (True|False)" do expect { Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new(:name => "puppetlabs", :sslverify => "notavalidvalue") }.to raise_error end it "should succeed if 'sslverify' has one of the following values (True|False)" do Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new(:name => "puppetlabs", :sslverify => "True")[:sslverify].should == "True" Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new(:name => "puppetlabs", :sslverify => "False")[:sslverify].should == "False" end [:mirrorlist, :baseurl, :gpgkey, :include, :proxy, :metalink].each do |param| it "should succeed if '#{param}' uses one of the following protocols (file|http|https|ftp)" do Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new(:name => "puppetlabs", param => "file:///srv/example/")[param].should =~ %r{\Afile://} Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new(:name => "puppetlabs", param => "")[param].should =~ %r{\Ahttp://} Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new(:name => "puppetlabs", param => "")[param].should =~ %r{\Ahttps://} Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new(:name => "puppetlabs", param => "")[param].should =~ %r{\Aftp://} end it "should fail if '#{param}' does not use one of the following protocols (file|http|https|ftp)" do expect { Puppet::Type.type(:yumrepo).new(:name => "puppetlabs", param => "gopher://") }.to raise_error end end end end