# Kenny Inspired by [lograge](https://github.com/roidrage/lograge), but without the rage. And logs are optional. Lograge does a great job in suppressing Rails' log output, it does so by: - overriding Rails' default behaviour for instrumentations/subscriptions - being very opinionated, hence removing a lot of data from your log. As a result, even though Lograge is great for cleaning your production.log, it is neither meant for collecting metrics nor great for plugging into any instrumentation event that you want. Kenny attempts to leave implementations to the user and provide a more modular way to monitor instrumentation events. It allows the user to decide: - which instrumentations to monitor - what to do when the specified instrumentation event occurs - where to log the data to (or no logging to file at all) Apart from that, it was also created with the idea of keeping all subscribed events in one place. So it will keep your code clean and provide a nice overview of all event-triggered actions. Best to be explained with an example. ## Installation Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'kenny' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or command line: $ gem install kenny ## Usage Kenny can be configured through an initializer (`config/initializers/kenny.rb`) or within the configuration file of your environment `development|test|staging|production.rb`. This depends on whether you want to have the same behaviour or different behaviours accross environments. If you do configure Kenny through an initializer, then it would give you the advantage of keeping all your instrumentation configurations in one place. Here is an example, its details will be explained in the following paragraphs. ```ruby # Example MyApp::Application.configure do # Define a logger-instance with formatter to be used later request_logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new( File.join(Rails.root, "log", "process_action.log") ) log_stash_formatter = Kenny::Formatters::LogStashFormatter.new request_logger.formatter = log_stash_formatter config.kenny.instrumentations = [ { name: 'process_action.action_controller', block: lambda do |event| data = MyDataBuilder.build(event) logger.info("#{event.name}: #{data}") end, logger: request_logger }, { name: 'sql.active_record', block: lambda do |event| data = event.payload Rails.logger.info("#{event.name}: #{data}") end } ] end ``` ### `kenny.instrumentations` configuration Before proceeding, have a look at [Active Support Instrumentation](http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/active_support_instrumentation.html) and [LogSubscriber](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/LogSubscriber.html) The `kenny.instrumentations` configuration takes an array of hashes. Each hash represents a Rails instrumentation event that you want to subscribe to. Each of these hashes requires a `:name` (name of instrumentation event), a `:block` (what to do when that event occurs) and *optionally* a `:logger` (which logger to use in order to write these events to a file). In the example above, we setup Kenny to monitor two instrumentation events, `process_action.action_controller` and `sql.active_record`. Behind the scenes, it defines an anonymous class (< ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber) for each of the specified instrumentations. The first one gets method `def process_action` defined and `def logger` *redefined*. The body of `def process_action` is the `:block` that has been supplied to the configuration. Hence, `:block` must be a Lambda or a Proc. (Lambda will raise errors with wrong number of arguments, Proc won't) The `def logger` method (in ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber) gets overridden and will return the logger-instance that you have provided to the configuration. (In this case, it's the logger instance `request_logger` that you have defined at the top of your config). This class is then attached to :action_controller, by looking up the event name 'process_action.action_controller' The idea of redefining `def logger` may sound a bit scary, but this is necessary to keep events from different instrumentation channels on different log files. If `:logger` option is not provided, then that LogSubscriber class will use the default Rails logger (and hence write to your production.log etc) The second LogSubscriber class will have method `def start_processing` defined and the method body is again what has been supplied in the :block configuration. The difference is that `:logger` has not been provided, hence it won't override the logger method for this LogSubscriber. In Rails, this means it will fall back to the default `Rails.logger`. Mind you that even though a LogSubscriber has access to a logger, it does not mean you have to use it! There is nothing wrong with subscribing to an event and not log its data to file at all! There are other things you could do with this data. At the end, this class gets attached to :active_record, by looking up the event name 'sql.active_record' #### Be careful with variable scopes and lambdas Since lambdas are used to define method bodies, be careful with context of variables. Take the example below: ``` Ruby # Somewhere above the instrumentation configurations logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new( File.join(Rails.root, "log", "process_action.log") ) # Then within the instrumentation configuration config.kenny.instrumentations = [ { name: 'sql.active_record', block: lambda do |event| data = event.payload logger.info("#{event.name}: #{data}") end } ] ``` You might think that since no `:logger` option has been provided for 'sql.active_record' events, the default logger will be used..... But that is not true. Since `logger` is within scope at the time when the lambda was defined, this instance of ActiveSupport::Logger will be used to invoke `#info` when 'sql.active_record' occurs. So just avoid creating a local variable that have the same name as variables in your block. ## Open-to-Implementation approach As you might have seen from the example, the `:block` allows you to define your own implementation. The idea behind writing this gem is to free up users from the tedious task of defining LogSubscriber classes and to allow them to define whatever they wants to do with the event data, be it something like: ```Ruby config.kenny.instrumentations = [ { name: 'process_action.action_controller', block: lambda do |event| data = MyDataBuilder.build(event) # Use Fluent to send data to another server Fluent::Logger::FluentLogger.open(nil, :host=>MY_SERVER, :port=>24224) Fluent::Logger.post('web_requests', data) end }, { name: 'sql.active_record', block: lambda do |event| data = MyDataBuilder.build(event) # Do something asynchronously, maybe send to an external service Something.async.process_and_forward(data) end } ] ``` Again, there is no requirement for you to write messages to log files. It is all up to you. ## Formatters Apart from subscribing to instrumentation events and logging, Kenny also provides formatters, which you can attach to a logger. Currently, it only comes with a LogStashFormatter, but feel free to add more Formatters to make this project great.