# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #-- # Copyright (C) 2019 Thomas Leitner # # This file is part of kramdown-parser-gfm which is licensed under the MIT. #++ # require 'minitest/autorun' require 'kramdown' require 'kramdown-math-itex2mml' require 'yaml' require 'tmpdir' Encoding.default_external = 'utf-8' class TestFiles < Minitest::Test Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/testcases/**/*.text'].each do |text_file| basename = text_file.sub(/\.text$/, '') html_file = basename + '.html' define_method('test_' + text_file.tr('.', '_') + "_to_html") do opts_file = basename + '.options' opts_file = File.join(File.dirname(html_file), 'options') if !File.exist?(opts_file) options = File.exist?(opts_file) ? YAML::load(File.read(opts_file)) : {auto_ids: false, footnote_nr: 1} doc = Kramdown::Document.new(File.read(text_file), options) assert_equal(File.read(html_file), doc.to_html) end end end