3.0 reduce_domestic_hot_water_use_for_peak_hours 796c7748-278a-4042-a86c-429049e55de5 82a88416-28d5-4ba8-bd75-798bb7dea04f 20220125T212728Z 14B0AE11 ReduceDomesticHotWaterUseForPeakHours Reduce domestic hot water use for peak hours This measure reduces the domestic hot water usage by a user-specified percentage for a user-specified time period (usually the peak hours). This is applied to the whole building. This measure will clone the flow rate fraction schedules of all the WaterUseEquipment. Then the schedules are adjusted by the specified percentage during the specified time period. water_use_reduce_percent Percentage Reduction of Domestic Hot Water Use (%) Enter a value between 0 and 100 Double true false 50 start_time Start Time for the Reduction In HH:MM:SS format String false false 16:00:00 end_time End Time for the Reduction In HH:MM:SS format String false false 21:00:00 Service Water Heating.Water Use Measure Type ModelMeasure string Intended Software Tool Apply Measure Now string Intended Software Tool OpenStudio Application string Intended Software Tool Parametric Analysis Tool string Intended Use Case Model Articulation string Intended Use Case Calibration string Intended Use Case New Construction EE string Intended Use Case Retrofit EE string LICENSE.md md license CD7F5672 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 .gitkeep gitkeep doc 00000000 example_model.osm osm test 53D14E69 OpenStudio 2.9.1 2.9.1 measure.rb rb script 75B88B2B reduce_domestic_hot_water_use_for_peak_hours_test.rb rb test A13DB609 CZ06RV2.epw epw test 52282D70 SmallHotel-2A-HPWH.osm osm test AC291BEB SmallHotel-2A.osm osm test 21334FFF README.md md readme 3D2DFDCF