require 'fileutils' require 'paint' require 'json' require 'http' require 'bcrypt' require 'io/console' require 'whirly' require 'os' require 'json' require 'credit_card_validations' require_relative 'constants' module Rise # # Utility methods # module Util # # Checks if rise is being run for the first time # def self.first_run? !, '.rise')) end # # 1 = git, 2 = gem, 3 = unknown # def self.git_or_gem? gem = nil return 1 if File.exist?(File.join(Rise::Constants::RISE_DIR, '.git')) if gem = system('which gem > NUL') else gem = system('which gem > /dev/null') end return 2 if gem 3 end # # Check for a new version of the gem # def self.check_for_update! src = Rise::Util.git_or_gem? Rise::Text.vputs("Source: #{src}") begin if src == 2 # if the gem was downloaded from rubygems current_version = JSON.parse(HTTP.get(''))['version'] current_version_i = current_version.gsub('.', '').to_i if current_version_i > Rise::Constants::VERSION.gsub('.', '').to_i Whirly.start( spinner: 'line', status: "New version available (#{Paint[Rise::Constants::VERSION, 'red']} -> #{Paint[current_version, '#3498db']}), updating..." ) do system("gem install rise-cli") puts Paint["Update complete, just run #{Paint['`rise`', '#3498db']} to deploy"] end end elsif src == 1 Rise::Text.vputs("It seems you're on bleeding edge, fetching new changes...") Rise::Text.vputs("Updating from #{`git show --no-color --oneline -s`.split(' ')[0]} to #{`git rev-parse --short HEAD`}") `git pull` puts Paint["Update complete, just run #{Paint['`rise`', '#3498db']} to deploy"] end rescue StandardError => e puts "Unable to check for updates. Error: #{Paint[e.message, 'red']}" exit 1 end end # # Creates all of the necessary files and login information # def self.setup(first = true) if first puts Paint['Detected first time setup, creating necessary files...', :blue] FileUtils.mkdir(RISE_DATA_DIR) FileUtils.mkdir(File.join(RISE_DATA_DIR, 'auth')) end puts Paint['Create a password to secure your uploads.', :bold] pw = Rise::Util.signup while (length = pw.length) break if length > 8 puts Paint["Password not long enough, it has to be longer than 8 characters\n", :red] pw = Rise::Util.signup end, 'auth', 'creds.json'), 'w') do |f| Rise::Text.vputs("\nWriting hash to creds.json...") creds_hash = { 'hash' => BCrypt::Password.create(pw) } f.puts(JSON.pretty_generate(creds_hash)) end puts "\nAll done!\nRun #{Paint['`rise`', '#3498db']} to deploy" end def self.signup print 'Password: ' STDIN.noecho(&:gets).chomp end # # Opens +url+ in a web browser if possible # def self.open_deployment_in_browser(url) if system("START \"\" \"#{url}\"") else system("open #{url}") end end # @param number [String] the credit card number to add def self.add_cc_number(number) if !number.is_a?(String) raise ArgumentError, '`number` must be of type String' end if ! puts Paint['Credit card is not valid'] return end, 'auth', 'payment', 'cc.json'), 'w') do |c| c.puts(JSON.pretty_generate({'cc' => number})) end # TODO make a request to the backend to store the cc in db puts 'Credit card stored for later use.' end end end