var chalk = require('chalk'); var path = require('path'); var mout = require('mout'); var archy = require('archy'); var Q = require('q'); var stringifyObject = require('stringify-object'); var os = require('os'); var pkg = require(path.join(__dirname, '../..', 'package.json')); var template = require('../util/template'); function StandardRenderer(command, config) { this._sizes = { id: 13, // Id max chars label: 20, // Label max chars sumup: 5 // Amount to sum when the label exceeds }; this._colors = { warn: chalk.yellow, error:, conflict: chalk.magenta, debug: chalk.gray, default: chalk.cyan }; this._command = command; this._config = config || {}; if (this.constructor._wideCommands.indexOf(command) === -1) { this._compact = true; } else { this._compact = process.stdout.columns < 120; } var exitOnPipeError = function (err) { if (err.code === 'EPIPE') { process.exit(0); } }; // It happens when piping command to "head" util process.stdout.on('error', exitOnPipeError); process.stderr.on('error', exitOnPipeError); } StandardRenderer.prototype.end = function (data) { var method = '_' + mout.string.camelCase(this._command); if (this[method]) { this[method](data); } }; StandardRenderer.prototype.error = function (err) { var str; var stack; this._guessOrigin(err); = err.code || 'error'; err.level = 'error'; str = this._prefix(err) + ' ' + err.message.replace(/\r?\n/g, ' ').trim() + '\n'; this._write(process.stderr, 'bower ' + str); // Check if additional details were provided if (err.details) { str = chalk.yellow('\nAdditional error details:\n') + err.details.trim() + '\n'; this._write(process.stderr, str); } // Print trace if verbose, the error has no code // or if the error is a node error if (this._config.verbose || !err.code || err.errno) { /*jshint camelcase:false*/ stack = err.fstream_stack || err.stack || 'N/A'; str = chalk.yellow('\nStack trace:\n'); str += (Array.isArray(stack) ? stack.join('\n') : stack) + '\n'; str += chalk.yellow('\nConsole trace:\n'); /*jshint camelcase:true*/ this._write(process.stderr, str); this._write(process.stderr, new Error().stack); // Print bower version, node version and system info. this._write(process.stderr, chalk.yellow('\nSystem info:\n')); this._write(process.stderr, 'Bower version: ' + pkg.version + '\n'); this._write(process.stderr, 'Node version: ' + process.versions.node + '\n'); this._write(process.stderr, 'OS: ' + os.type() + ' ' + os.release() + ' ' + os.arch() + '\n'); } }; StandardRenderer.prototype.log = function (log) { var method = '_' + mout.string.camelCase( + 'Log'; this._guessOrigin(log); // Call render method for this log entry or the generic one if (this[method]) { this[method](log); } else { this._genericLog(log); } }; StandardRenderer.prototype.prompt = function (prompts) { var deferred; // Strip colors from the prompt if color is disabled if (!this._config.color) { prompts.forEach(function (prompt) { prompt.message = chalk.stripColor(prompt.message); }); } // Prompt deferred = Q.defer(); var inquirer = require('inquirer'); inquirer.prompt(prompts, deferred.resolve); return deferred.promise; }; // ------------------------- StandardRenderer.prototype._help = function (data) { var str; var that = this; var specific; if (!data.command) { str = template.render('std/help.std', data); that._write(process.stdout, str); } else { // Check if a specific template exists for the command specific = 'std/help-' + data.command.replace(/\s+/g, '/') + '.std'; if (template.exists(specific)) { str = template.render(specific, data); } else { str = template.render('std/help-generic.std', data); } that._write(process.stdout, str); } }; StandardRenderer.prototype._install = function (packages) { var str = ''; mout.object.forOwn(packages, function (pkg) { var cliTree; // List only 1 level deep dependencies mout.object.forOwn(pkg.dependencies, function (dependency) { dependency.dependencies = {}; }); // Make canonical dir relative pkg.canonicalDir = path.relative(this._config.cwd, pkg.canonicalDir); // Signal as root pkg.root = true; cliTree = this._tree2archy(pkg); str += '\n' + archy(cliTree); }, this); if (str) { this._write(process.stdout, str); } }; StandardRenderer.prototype._update = function (packages) { this._install(packages); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._list = function (tree) { var cliTree; if (tree.pkgMeta) { tree.root = true; cliTree = archy(this._tree2archy(tree)); } else { cliTree = stringifyObject(tree, { indent: ' ' }).replace(/[{}]/g, '') + '\n'; } this._write(process.stdout, cliTree); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._search = function (results) { var str = template.render('std/search-results.std', results); this._write(process.stdout, str); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._info = function (data) { var str = ''; var pkgMeta = data; var includeVersions = false; // If the response is the whole package info, the package meta // is under the "latest" property if (typeof data === 'object' && data.versions) { pkgMeta = data.latest; includeVersions = true; } // Render package meta if (pkgMeta != null) { str += '\n' + this._highlightJson(pkgMeta) + '\n'; } // Render the versions at the end if (includeVersions) { str += '\n' + template.render('std/info.std', data); } this._write(process.stdout, str); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._lookup = function (data) { var str = template.render('std/lookup.std', data); this._write(process.stdout, str); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._link = function (data) { = 4; this.log({ id: 'link', level: 'info', message: data.dst + ' > ' + data.src }); // Print also a tree of the installed packages if (data.installed) { this._install(data.installed); } }; StandardRenderer.prototype._register = function (data) { var str; // If no data passed, it means the user aborted if (!data) { return; } str = '\n' + template.render('std/register.std', data); this._write(process.stdout, str); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._cacheList = function (entries) { entries.forEach(function (entry) { var pkgMeta = entry.pkgMeta; var version = pkgMeta.version || pkgMeta._target; this._write(process.stdout, + '=' + pkgMeta._source + '#' + version + '\n'); }, this); }; // ------------------------- StandardRenderer.prototype._genericLog = function (log) { var stream; var str; if (log.level === 'warn') { stream = process.stderr; } else { stream = process.stdout; } str = this._prefix(log) + ' ' + log.message + '\n'; this._write(stream, 'bower ' + str); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._checkoutLog = function (log) { if (this._compact) { log.message = log.origin.split('#')[0] + '#' + log.message; } this._genericLog(log); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._progressLog = function (log) { if (this._compact) { log.message = log.origin + ' ' + log.message; } this._genericLog(log); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._extractLog = function (log) { if (this._compact) { log.message = log.origin + ' ' + log.message; } this._genericLog(log); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._incompatibleLog = function (log) { var str; var templatePath; // Generate dependants string for each pick (pick) { pick.dependants = (dependant) { var release = dependant.pkgMeta._release; return + (release ? '#' + release : ''); }).join(', '); }); templatePath = ? 'std/conflict-resolved.std' : 'std/conflict.std'; str = template.render(templatePath,; this._write(process.stdout, '\n'); this._write(process.stdout, str); this._write(process.stdout, '\n'); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._solvedLog = function (log) { this._incompatibleLog(log); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._jsonLog = function (log) { this._write(process.stdout, '\n' + this._highlightJson( + '\n\n'); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._cachedEntryLog = function (log) { if (this._compact) { log.message = log.origin; } this._genericLog(log); }; // ------------------------- StandardRenderer.prototype._guessOrigin = function (log) { var data =; if (!data) { return; } if (data.endpoint) { log.origin = || (data.registry && data.endpoint.source); // Resort to using the resolver name for unnamed endpoints if (!log.origin && data.resolver) { log.origin =; } if (log.origin && { log.origin += '#' +; } } else if ( { log.origin =; if (data.version) { log.origin += '#' + data.version; } } }; StandardRenderer.prototype._prefix = function (log) { var label; var length; var nrSpaces; var id = this.constructor._idMappings[] ||; var idColor = this._colors[log.level] || this._colors.default; if (this._compact) { // If there's not enough space for the id, adjust it // for subsequent logs if (id.length > { = id.length += this._sizes.sumup; } return idColor(mout.string.rpad(id,; } // Construct the label label = log.origin || ''; length = id.length + label.length + 1; nrSpaces = + this._sizes.label - length; // Ensure at least one space between the label and the id if (nrSpaces < 1) { // Also adjust the label size for subsequent logs this._sizes.label = label.length + this._sizes.sumup; nrSpaces = + this._sizes.label - length; } return + mout.string.repeat(' ', nrSpaces) + idColor(id); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._write = function (stream, str) { if (!this._config.color) { str = chalk.stripColor(str); } stream.write(str); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._highlightJson = function (json) { var cardinal = require('cardinal'); return cardinal.highlight(stringifyObject(json, { indent: ' ' }), { theme: { String: { _default: function (str) { return chalk.cyan(str); } }, Identifier: { _default: function (str) { return; } } }, json: true }); }; StandardRenderer.prototype._tree2archy = function (node) { var dependencies = mout.object.values(node.dependencies); var version = !node.missing ? node.pkgMeta._release || node.pkgMeta.version : null; var label = + (version ? '#' + version : ''); var update; if (node.root) { label += ' ' + node.canonicalDir; } // State labels if (node.missing) { label +=' not installed'); return label; } if (node.different) { label +=' different'); } if (node.linked) { label += chalk.magenta(' linked'); } if (node.incompatible) { label += chalk.yellow(' incompatible') + ' with ' +; } else if (node.extraneous) { label +=' extraneous'); } // New versions if (node.update) { update = ''; if ( && node.pkgMeta.version !== { update += + ' available'; } if (node.update.latest !== { update += (update ? ', ' : ''); update += 'latest is ' + node.update.latest; } if (update) { label += ' (' + chalk.cyan(update) + ')'; } } if (!dependencies.length) { return label; } return { label: label, nodes: mout.object.values(dependencies).map(this._tree2archy, this) }; }; StandardRenderer._wideCommands = [ 'install', 'update', 'link', 'info', 'home', 'register' ]; StandardRenderer._idMappings = { 'mutual': 'conflict', 'cached-entry': 'cached' }; module.exports = StandardRenderer;