# # Show your testing pride! # class Minitest::PrideIO # # Activate the pride plugin. Called from both -p option and minitest/pride # def self.pride!: () -> untyped # # Are we showing our testing pride? # def self.pride?: () -> untyped def initialize: (untyped io) -> void # # Wrap print to colorize the output. # def print: (untyped o) -> untyped def puts: (*untyped o) -> untyped # # Color a string. # def pride: (untyped string) -> ::String def method_missing: (untyped msg, *untyped args) -> untyped # # The IO we're going to pipe through. # attr_reader io: untyped # # End the escape sequence # NND: String # # Start an escape sequence # ESC: String end