require 'rb-kqueue/native' require 'rb-kqueue/native/flags' require 'rb-kqueue/watcher' require 'rb-kqueue/watcher/file' require 'rb-kqueue/watcher/read_write' require 'rb-kqueue/watcher/process' require 'rb-kqueue/watcher/signal' require 'rb-kqueue/watcher/timer' require 'rb-kqueue/event' require 'rb-kqueue/queue' require 'rb-kqueue/version' # The root module of the library, which is laid out as so: # # * {Queue} -- The main class, where events are registered # * {Watcher} -- A watcher for a single sort of event # * {Event} -- A notification that an event has occurred module KQueue # Raise an exception for a native kqueue error. # # @param errno [Fixnum] The errno identifying the sort of error. # This is usually C's `errno` variable, # but is sometimes set in a kevent struct # @raise [SystemCallError] # @private def self.handle_error(errno = FFI.errno) raise "KQueue failed" + case errno when Errno::EFAULT::Errno; ": There was an error reading or writing the kevent structure." when Errno::EBADF::Errno; ": The specified descriptor is invalid." when Errno::EINTR::Errno; ": A signal was delivered before the timeout expired and before any events were placed on the kqueue for return." when Errno::EINVAL::Errno; ": The specified time limit or filter is invalid." when Errno::ENOENT::Errno; ": The event could not be found to be modified or deleted." when Errno::ENOMEM::Errno; ": No memory was available to register the event." when Errno::ESRCH::Errno; ": The specified process to attach to does not exist." else; "" end, errno) end end