module Account::Controllers::Base extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include LoadsAndAuthorizesResource include Fields::ControllerSupport if billing_enabled? include Billing::ControllerSupport end before_action :set_last_seen_at, if: proc { user_signed_in? && (current_user.last_seen_at.nil? || current_user.last_seen_at < 1.minute.ago) } layout "account" before_action :authenticate_user! before_action :ensure_onboarding_is_complete_and_set_next_step end class_methods do # this is a template method called by LoadsAndAuthorizesResource. # it allows that module to understand what namespaces of a controller # are organizing the controllers, and which are organizing the models. def regex_to_remove_controller_namespace /^Account::/ end end def adding_user_email? is_a?(Account::Onboarding::UserEmailController) end def adding_user_details? is_a?(Account::Onboarding::UserDetailsController) end def adding_team? return true if request.get? && request.path == new_account_team_path return true if && request.path == account_teams_path false end def switching_teams? return true if request.get? && request.path == account_teams_path false end def managing_account? is_a?(Account::UsersController) || self.class.module_parents.include?(Oauth) end def accepting_invitation? (params[:controller] == "account/invitations") && (params[:action] == "show" || params[:action] == "accept") end def ensure_onboarding_is_complete_and_set_next_step unless ensure_onboarding_is_complete session[:after_onboarding_url] ||= request.url end end def ensure_onboarding_is_complete # This is temporary, but if we've gotten this far and `@team` is loaded, we need to ensure current_team is # updated for the checks below. This entire concept of `current_team` is going away soon. current_user.update(current_team: @team) if @team&.persisted? # since the onboarding controllers are child classes of this class, # we actually have to check to make sure we're not currently on that # step otherwise we'll end up in an endless redirection loop. if current_user.email_is_oauth_placeholder? if adding_user_email? return true else redirect_to edit_account_onboarding_user_email_path(current_user) return false end end # some team-related onboarding steps need to be skipped if we're in the process # of creating a new team. unless adding_team? || accepting_invitation? # USER ONBOARDING STUFF # first we make sure the user is properly onboarded. unless current_team.present? # don't force the user to create a team if they've already got one. if current_user.teams.any? current_user.update(current_team: current_user.teams.first) else redirect_to new_account_team_path return false end end # TEAM ONBOARDING STUFF. # then make sure the team is properly onboarded. # since the onboarding controllers are child classes of this class, # we actually have to check to make sure we're not currently on that # step otherwise we'll end up in an endless redirection loop. unless current_user.details_provided? if adding_user_details? return true else redirect_to edit_account_onboarding_user_detail_path(current_user) return false end end if billing_enabled? enforce_billing_requirements # See `app/controllers/concerns/billing_support.rb` for details. end end true end def set_last_seen_at current_user.update_attribute(:last_seen_at, Time.current) end ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks :bullet_train_account_controllers_base, self end