module VMC::Cli::Command class Misc < Base def version say "sys #{VMC::Cli::VERSION}" end def target return display JSON.pretty_generate({:target => target_url}) if @options[:json] banner "[#{target_url}]" end def targets targets = VMC::Cli::Config.targets return display JSON.pretty_generate(targets) if @options[:json] return display 'None specified' if targets.empty? targets_table = table do |t| t.headings = 'Target', 'Authorization' targets.each { |target, token| t << [target, token] } end display "\n" display targets_table end alias :tokens :targets def set_target(target_url) target_url = "https://#{target_url}" unless /^https?/ =~ target_url target_url = target_url.gsub(/\/+$/, '') client = unless client.target_valid? if prompt_ok display "Host is not available or is not valid: '#{target_url}'".red show_response = ask "Would you like see the response?", :default => false display "\n<<<\n#{client.raw_info}\n>>>\n" if show_response end exit(false) else VMC::Cli::Config.store_target(target_url) say "Successfully targeted to [#{target_url}]".green end end def info info = client_info return display JSON.pretty_generate(info) if @options[:json] display "\n#{info[:description]}" display "For support visit #{info[:support]}" display "" display "Target: #{target_url} (v#{info[:version]})" display "Client: v#{VMC::Cli::VERSION}" if info[:user] display '' display "User: #{info[:user]}" end if usage = info[:usage] and limits = info[:limits] tmem = pretty_size(limits[:memory]*1024*1024) mem = pretty_size(usage[:memory]*1024*1024) tser = limits[:services] ser = usage[:services] tapps = limits[:apps] || 0 apps = usage[:apps] || 0 display "Usage: Memory (#{mem} of #{tmem} total)" display " Services (#{ser} of #{tser} total)" display " Apps (#{apps} of #{tapps} total)" if limits[:apps] end end def runtimes raise VMC::Client::AuthError unless client.logged_in? return display JSON.pretty_generate(runtimes_info) if @options[:json] return display "No Runtimes" if runtimes_info.empty? rtable = table do |t| t.headings = 'Name', 'Description', 'Version' runtimes_info.each_value { |rt| t << [rt[:name], rt[:description], rt[:version]] } end display "\n" display rtable end def infras infras_info = client.infras return display "Multiple infras not supported" if infras_info.empty? itable = table do |t| t.headings = [ 'Name','Description' ] infras_info.each { |i| t << [i[:infra], i[:description]] } end display "\n" display itable end def frameworks raise VMC::Client::AuthError unless client.logged_in? return display JSON.pretty_generate(frameworks_info) if @options[:json] return display "No Frameworks" if frameworks_info.empty? rtable = table do |t| t.headings = ['Name'] frameworks_info.each { |f| t << f } end display "\n" display rtable end def aliases aliases = VMC::Cli::Config.aliases return display JSON.pretty_generate(aliases) if @options[:json] return display "No Aliases" if aliases.empty? atable = table do |t| t.headings = 'Alias', 'Command' aliases.each { |k,v| t << [k, v] } end display "\n" display atable end def alias(k, v=nil) k,v = k.split('=') unless v aliases = VMC::Cli::Config.aliases aliases[k] = v VMC::Cli::Config.store_aliases(aliases) display "Successfully aliased '#{k}' to '#{v}'".green end def unalias(key) aliases = VMC::Cli::Config.aliases if aliases.has_key?(key) aliases.delete(key) VMC::Cli::Config.store_aliases(aliases) display "Successfully unaliased '#{key}'".green else display "Unknown alias '#{key}'".red end end end end