module Flexparser # # The ClassMethods defined on the including base. # module ClassMethods # # Applies the previously set up property-structure to the given xml # and returns Instances of the including Class. # @param xml [String] The xml string to be parsed by this parser. # @param _options [Hash] an (as of yet) unused options hash. # Swallowing options here keeps compatability with HappyMapper. # @return [Object] An object of `self.class` that is initialized # with the extracted values from its subparsers. # def parse(xml, _options = {}) return if parsers.empty? @doc = new.tap do |instance| parsers.each do |parser| instance.public_send("#{}=", parser.parse(@doc)) end end end # no-doc def parsers @parsers ||= [] end protected # # Defines a TagParser belonging to the including class. # This Tag parser is used in #parse to parse a piece of xml. # @param [Array] tags The list of tags the parser rattles through. # @option opts [String] :name the name this property should have. # Overrides the naming derived from the `tags` list. # @option opts [Symbol] :transform a method that will be sent to the # resulting value to transofrm it. Like `:to_i` or `:to_sym`. # @option opts [Class] :type a class that implements `::parse` to # return an instance of itself, parsed from the resulting value. # @option opts [Boolean] :required if true, raises an # `Flexparser::RequiredMissingError` if the resulting value is `nil`. # def property(tags, collection: false, **opts, &block) check_ambiguous_naming!(tags, opts) parser_klass = collection ? CollectionParser : TagParser add_parser(parser_klass, tags, opts, &block) end # # Adds a parser with a given class and options to the list # of parsers this class holds. # @see self#property # @param klass [Flexparser::TagParser] either a collection or a single # {TagParser} # def add_parser(klass, tags, **opts, &block) tags = Array(tags).flatten define_accessors(opts[:name] || tags.first) opts[:sub_parser] = new_parser(&block) if block_given? parsers <<, opts) end # # Creates a new anonymous Parser class # based on {Flexparser::AnonymousParser}. # @param block [Block] The block that holds the classes parser, # methods and so on. # def new_parser(&block) klass = klass.instance_eval(&block) klass end # # Defines accesors with a given name after sanitizing that name. # @param name [String] the name the accessors shoudl have. # Will most likely be a tag. # def define_accessors(name) attr_accessor name.to_s.sub(/^@/, '').gsub(/([[:punct:]]|-)+/, '_') end # # Raises an error if the name of a parser is ambiguous and the options # forbid it from beeing so. # def check_ambiguous_naming!(tags, opts) return unless Flexparser.configuration.explicit_property_naming && opts[:name].nil? && tags.respond_to?(:each) && tags.length > 1 raise(AmbiguousNamingError, "You need to specify a name for the property (#{tags}) with the :name option.") end end end