# Dojox with Rails This gem allows you to use the Dojox library (which is part of the [dojo toolkit](http://dojotoolkit.org/)) with the cool Ruby on Rails framework. See also [dojo-rails](https://github.com/robin850/dojo-rails) and [dijit-rails](https://github.com/robin850/dijit-rails) if you are a Dojo fan. ## Installation and basic use Just open up your application's `Gemfile` and add the following lines: ```ruby gem 'dojo-rails' gem 'dojox-rails' ``` Just run the `bundle` command to install the gems. Then, in your javascript files just use the `require` function and load your Dojox assets just like that (here a gist with CoffeeScript): ```coffeescript require(["dojox/charting/Chart", "dojox/charting/themes/Claro"], (chart, theme) -> # ... Here is your code ) ``` ## Usage with Asset Pipeline in Production To use with production and asset pipeline from Rails 3.1 you will need to have the [djConfig](http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.8/dojo_config/) hash set before you load the dojo/dojo library *This is critical for production mode because otherwise the require[ ] statements will not load libraries correctly* Example contents of application.js ```coffeescript //= require dojo_config //= require dojo/dojo ``` Contents of dojo_config.js ```javascript dojoConfig = { baseUrl: '/assets/dojo/' }; ``` ## Contributing ### Code If you want to improve the project or fix something you just have to: * Fork the project * Clone the repository on your local machine * Create a new branch with `git checkout -b new_feature` * Make changes and commit them * `git push origin master` * And finally open a new pull request on this repo ### Bugs and issues For issues and bugs, please open a [new ticket](https://github.com/robin850/dojox-rails/issues/new) to the issue tracker. Thanks. ## License This project is released under the MIT license. See the `LICENSE` file for more information. Dojo Toolkit is available under either the terms of the modified BSD license or the Academic Free License version 2.1. Please see the `DOJO_LICENSE` file or [visit the official page](http://dojotoolkit.org/license) for more information.