# Allows brief definitions of APIs for documentation and parameter checks module Apiculture require_relative 'apiculture/version' require_relative 'apiculture/indifferent_hash' require_relative 'apiculture/app' require_relative 'apiculture/action' require_relative 'apiculture/sinatra_instance_methods' require_relative 'apiculture/action_definition' require_relative 'apiculture/markdown_segment' require_relative 'apiculture/timestamp_promise' require_relative 'apiculture/app_documentation' def self.extended(in_class) in_class.send(:include, SinatraInstanceMethods) super end IDENTITY_PROC = ->(arg) { arg } AC_APPLY_TYPECAST_PROC = ->(cast_proc_or_method, v) { cast_proc_or_method.is_a?(Symbol) ? v.public_send(cast_proc_or_method) : cast_proc_or_method.call(v) } AC_CHECK_PRESENCE_PROC = ->(name_as_string, params) { params.has_key?(name_as_string) or raise MissingParameter.new(name_as_string) } AC_CHECK_TYPE_PROC = ->(param, value) { param.matchable === value or raise ParameterTypeMismatch.new(param, value.class) } class Parameter < Struct.new(:name, :description, :required, :matchable, :cast_proc_or_method) # Return Strings since Sinatra prefers string keys for params{} def name_as_string; name.to_s; end end class RouteParameter < Parameter end class PossibleResponse < Struct.new(:http_status_code, :description, :jsonable_object_example) def no_body? jsonable_object_example.nil? end end # Indicates where this API will be mounted. This is only used # for the generated documentation. In general, this should match # the SCRIPT_NAME of the Sinatra application when it will be called. # For example, if you use this in your +config.ru+: # # map('/api/v3') { run MyApi } # # then it is handy to set that with +mounted_at+ as well so that the API # documentation references the mountpoint: # # mounted_at '/api/v3' # # Again: this does not change the way requests are handled in any way, # it just alters the documentation output. def mounted_at(path) @apiculture_mounted_at = path.to_s.gsub(/\/$/, '') end # Inserts the generation timestamp into the documentation at this point. # The timestamp will be not very precise (to the minute) and in UTC time def documentation_build_time! apiculture_stack << Apiculture::TimestampPromise end # Inserts a literal Markdown string into the documentation at this point. # For instance, if used after an API method declaration, it will insert # the header between the API methods in the doc. # # api_method :get, '/foo/bar' do # #... # end # markdown_string "# Subsequent methods do thing to Bars" # api_method :get, '/bar/thing' do # #... # end def markdown_string(str) apiculture_stack << MarkdownSegment.new(str) end # Inserts the contents of the file at +path+ into the documentation, using +markdown_string+. # For instance, if used after an API method declaration, it will insert # the header between the API methods in the doc. # # markdown_file "SECURITY_CONSIDERATIONS.md" # api_method :get, '/bar/thing' do # #... # end def markdown_file(path_to_markdown) md = File.read(path_to_markdown).encode(Encoding::UTF_8) markdown_string(md) end # Describe the API method that is going to be defined def desc(action_description) @apiculture_action_definition ||= ActionDefinition.new @apiculture_action_definition.description = action_description.to_s end # Add an optional parameter for the API call def param(name, description, matchable, cast: IDENTITY_PROC) @apiculture_action_definition ||= ActionDefinition.new @apiculture_action_definition.parameters << Parameter.new(name, description, required=false, matchable, cast) end # Add a requred parameter for the API call def required_param(name, description, matchable, cast: IDENTITY_PROC) @apiculture_action_definition ||= ActionDefinition.new @apiculture_action_definition.parameters << Parameter.new(name, description, required=true, matchable, cast) end # Describe a parameter that has to be included in the URL of the API call. # Route parameters are always required, and all the parameters specified # using +route_param+ should also be included in the path given for the route # definition def route_param(name, description, matchable = String, cast: IDENTITY_PROC) @apiculture_action_definition ||= ActionDefinition.new @apiculture_action_definition.route_parameters << RouteParameter.new(name, description, required=false, matchable, cast) end # Add a possible response, specifying the code and the JSON Response by example. # Multiple response packages can be specified. def responds_with(http_status, description, example_jsonable_object = nil) @apiculture_action_definition ||= ActionDefinition.new @apiculture_action_definition.responses << PossibleResponse.new(http_status, description, example_jsonable_object) end DefinitionError = Class.new(StandardError) ValidationError = Class.new(StandardError) class RouteParameterNotInPath < DefinitionError; end class ReservedParameter < DefinitionError; end class ConflictingParameter < DefinitionError; end # Gets raised when a parameter is missing class MissingParameter < ValidationError def initialize(parameter_name) super "Missing parameter :#{parameter_name}" end end # Gets raised when a parameter is supplied and has a wrong type class ParameterTypeMismatch < ValidationError def initialize(ac_parameter, received_ruby_type) parameter_name, expected_type = ac_parameter.name, ac_parameter.matchable received_type = received_ruby_type super "Received #{received_type}, expected #{expected_type.inspect} for :#{parameter_name}" end end # Returns a Proc that calls the strong parameters to check the presence/types def parametric_validator_proc_from(parametric_validators, implicitly_defined_route_parameter_names) required_params = parametric_validators.select{|e| e.required } # Return a lambda that will be called with the Sinatra params parametric_validation_blk = ->{ # Within this block +params+ is the Sinatra's instance params # Ensure the required parameters are present first, before applying casts/validations etc. required_params.each { |param| AC_CHECK_PRESENCE_PROC.call(param.name_as_string, params) } parametric_validators.each do |param| param_name = param.name_as_string next unless params.has_key?(param_name) # this is checked via required_params # Apply the type cast and save it (since using our override we can mutate the params) value_after_type_cast = AC_APPLY_TYPECAST_PROC.call(param.cast_proc_or_method, params[param_name]) params[param_name] = value_after_type_cast # Ensure the typecast value adheres to the enforced Ruby type AC_CHECK_TYPE_PROC.call(param, params[param_name]) end # The following only applies if the app does not use strong_parameters - # this makes use of parameter mutability again to kill the parameters that are not permitted # or mentioned in the API specification. We need to keep the params which are specified in the # route but not documented via Apiculture though unexpected_parameters = Set.new(params.keys.map(&:to_s)) - Set.new(parametric_validators.map(&:name).map(&:to_s)) - Set.new(implicitly_defined_route_parameter_names.map(&:to_s)) unexpected_parameters.each do | parameter_to_discard | # TODO: raise or record a warning if env['rack.logger'].respond_to?(:warn) env['rack.logger'].warn "Discarding disallowed parameter #{parameter_to_discard.inspect}" end params.delete(parameter_to_discard) end } end # Serve the documentation for the API at the given URL def serve_api_documentation_at(url) get(url) do content_type :html self.class.api_documentation.to_html end end # Returns an +AppDocumentation+ object for all actions defined so far. # # MyApi.api_documentation.to_markdown #=> "..." # MyApi.api_documentation.to_html #=> "..." def api_documentation AppDocumentation.new(self, @apiculture_mounted_at.to_s, @apiculture_actions_and_docs || []) end # Define an API method. Under the hood will call the related methods in Sinatra # to define the route. def api_method(http_verb, path, options={}, &blk) action_def = (@apiculture_action_definition || ActionDefinition.new) action_def.http_verb = http_verb action_def.path = path # Ensure no reserved Sinatra parameters are used all_parameter_names = action_def.all_parameter_names_as_strings %w( splat captures ).each do | reserved_param | if all_parameter_names.include?(reserved_param) raise ReservedParameter.new(":#{reserved_param} is a reserved magic parameter name in Sinatra") end end # Ensure no conflations between route/req params seen_params = {} all_parameter_names.each do |e| if seen_params[e] raise ConflictingParameter.new(":#{e} mentioned twice as a possible parameter. Note that URL" + " parameters and request parameters share a namespace.") else seen_params[e] = true end end # Ensure the path has the route parameters that were predeclared action_def.route_parameters.map(&:name).each do | route_parameter_key | unless path.include?(':%s' % route_parameter_key) raise RouteParameterNotInPath.new("Parameter :#{route_parameter_key} not present in path #{path.inspect}") end end # TODO: ensure all route parameters are documented # Pick out all the defined parameters and set up a block that can validate them # when the action is called. With that, set up the actual Sinatra method that will # respond to the request. We take care to preserve all the params that have NOT been documented # using Apiculture but _were_ in fact specified in the actual path. route_parameter_names = path.scan(/:([^:\/]+)/).flatten.map(&:to_sym) parametric_checker_proc = parametric_validator_proc_from(action_def.parameters + action_def.route_parameters, route_parameter_names) public_send(http_verb, path, options) do |*matched_sinatra_route_params| # Extract all the parameter names from the route path as given to the method route_parameters = Hash[route_parameter_names.zip(matched_sinatra_route_params)] # Apply route parameter checks, but only to params that were defined in the Apiculture action descriptor. # All the other params have to go via bypass. checked_route_parameters = action_def.route_parameters.select {|par| route_parameter_names.include?(par.name) } checked_route_parameters.each do |route_param| # Apply the type cast and save it (since using our override we can mutate the params) value_from_route_params = route_parameters.fetch(route_param.name) value_after_type_cast = AC_APPLY_TYPECAST_PROC.call(route_param.cast_proc_or_method, value_from_route_params) # Ensure the typecast value adheres to the enforced Ruby type AC_CHECK_TYPE_PROC.call(route_param, value_after_type_cast) # ..and overwrite it in the route parameters hash route_parameters[route_param.name] = value_after_type_cast end # Execute parametric checks on all the OTHER params (forms etc.) instance_exec(¶metric_checker_proc) # Execute the original action via instance_exec, passing along the route args instance_exec(*route_parameters.values, &blk) end # Reset for the subsequent action definition @apiculture_action_definition = ActionDefinition.new # and store the just defined action for future use apiculture_stack << action_def end def apiculture_stack @apiculture_actions_and_docs ||= [] @apiculture_actions_and_docs end end