= vegas http://code.quirkey.com/vegas == DESCRIPTION: Vegas aims to solve the simple problem of creating executable versions of Sinatra/Rack apps. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Currently, Vegas just includes a single class Vegas::Runner which wraps your Sinatra app to give it command line options, daemon-ization, PID/URL tracking, and browser launching. Lets say you have a gem with a sinatra application. With Vegas you can create a bin that looks like #!/usr/bin/env ruby # ./bin/myapp require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/myapp") require 'vegas' Vegas::Runner.new(Sinatra::Application, 'myapp') See the website: http://code.quirkey.com/vegas for full usage/options. === WINDOWS: Using vegas (and gems that depend on it) on Windows works but isn't 100% the same. Daemon-ization and browser launching work, but you will see duplicate messages. If you see a warning like: `expand_path': couldn't find HOME environment -- expanding `~/.vegas' (ArgumentError) You have to set your HOME path: c:\> set HOME=%HOMEPATH% == INSTALL: sudo gem install vegas == LICENSE: MIT LICENSE, see LICENSE for details