require "isoics" require "pubid-ieee" module Metanorma module IEEE class Converter < Standoc::Converter def metadata_committee(node, xml) metadata_committee_prep(node) or return xml.editorialgroup do |a| committee_component("society", node, a) committee_component("balloting-group", node, a) committee_component("working-group", node, a) committee_component("committee", node, a) end end def metadata_committee_prep(node) node.attr("doctype") == "whitepaper" && node.attr("docsubtype") == "industry-connection-report" and node.set_attr("working-group", "IEEE SA Industry Connections activity") node.attr("committee") || node.attr("society") || node.attr("working-group") or return node.attr("balloting-group") && !node.attr("balloting-group-type") and node.set_attr("balloting-group-type", "individual") true end def metadata_other_id(node, xml) a = node.attr("isbn-pdf") and xml.docidentifier a, type: "ISBN", scope: "PDF" a = node.attr("isbn-print") and xml.docidentifier a, type: "ISBN", scope: "print" xml.docnumber node.attr("docnumber") end def metadata_id(node, xml) if id = node.attr("docidentifier") xml.docidentifier id, **attr_code(type: "IEEE") else ieee_id(node, xml) end id = node.attr("stdid-pdf") and xml.docidentifier id, type: "IEEE", scope: "PDF" id = node.attr("stdid-print") and xml.docidentifier id, type: "IEEE", scope: "print" end def ieee_id(node, xml) params = ieee_id_params(node) params[:number] or return ieee_id_out(xml, params) end def ieee_id_params(node) core = ieee_id_params_core(node) amd = ieee_id_params_amd(node, core) || {} core.merge(amd) end def compact_blank(hash) hash.compact.reject { |_, v| v.is_a?(String) && v.empty? } end def ieee_id_params_core(node) pub = ieee_id_pub(node) ret = { number: node.attr("docnumber"), part: node.attr("partnumber"), year: ieee_id_year(node, initial: true), redline: @doctype == "redline", publisher: pub[0], copublisher: pub[1..-1] } ret[:copublisher].empty? and ret.delete(:copublisher) compact_blank(ret) end def ieee_id_params_amd(node, core) if a = node.attr("corrigendum-number") { corrigendum: { version: a, year: ieee_id_year(node, initial: false) } } elsif node.attr("amendment-number") { amendment: pubid_select(core).create(**core) } end end def ieee_id_pub(node) (node.attr("publisher") || default_publisher).split(/[;,]/) .map(&:strip).map { |x| org_abbrev[x] || x } end def ieee_id_year(node, initial: false) unless initial y = node.attr("copyright-year") || node.attr("updated-date") end y ||= node.attr("published-date") || node.attr("copyright-year") y&.sub(/-.*$/, "") || end def ieee_id_out(xml, params) id = pubid_select(params).create(**params) xml.docidentifier id.to_s, type: "IEEE" end def pubid_select(_params) base_pubid end def base_pubid Pubid::Ieee::Identifier end def default_publisher "IEEE" end def metadata_status(node, xml) status = node.attr("status") || node.attr("docstage") || (node.attr("draft") ? "draft" : "approved") xml.status do |s| s.stage status end end def datetypes super + %w{feedback-ended} end def metadata_subdoctype(node, xml) xml.subdoctype (node.attr("docsubtype") || "document") s = node.attr("trial-use") and xml.trial_use s end def org_abbrev { "Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers" => "IEEE", "International Organization for Standardization" => "ISO", "International Electrotechnical Commission" => "IEC" } end def relaton_relations super + %w(merges updates) end def metadata_ext(node, xml) super structured_id(node, xml) program(node, xml) end def program(node, xml) p = node.attr("program") and xml.program p end def structured_id(node, xml) node.attr("docnumber") or return xml.structuredidentifier do |i| i.docnumber node.attr("docnumber") "IEEE" i.class_ doctype(node) a = node.attr("edition") and i.edition a a = node.attr("draft") and i.version a a = node.attr("amendment-number") and i.amendment a a = node.attr("corrigendum-number") and i.corrigendum a a = node.attr("copyright-year") and i.year a end end end end end