Feature: Mailing List Management In order have mailing lists As a valid user I want to create, modify and destroy mailing lists Background: Given I am logged in and authorized for everything Scenario: Create a Mailing List When I go to the mailing lists page And I follow "New Mailing List" And I fill in "Name" with "Bobo's Mailing List" And I fill in "Description" with "Bobo's mailing list is Awesome!" And I press "Submit" Then I should see "Mailing List was successfully created" And a mailing list named "Bobo's Mailing List" should exist Scenario: Edit a Mailing List Given a mailing list named "Funk" exists When I go to the mailing lists page And I follow "Edit" And I fill in "Name" with "Junk" And I press "Submit" Then I should see "Mailing List was successfully updated" And a mailing list named "Junk" should exist Scenario: Mailing Lists can be destroyed Given a mailing list named "Funk" exists When I go to the mailing lists page And I follow "Delete" Then I should see "Mailinglist successfully deleted." And I should not see "Funk" Scenario: Mailing lists paginate Given 50 mailing lists exist When I go to the mailing lists page Then I should see "Previous" And I should see "Next" When I follow "Next"